Stellium Light

Thursday 27 November 2014

Astrology weekend November 28 - 30, 2014! Innovation, faith in our ideas, surprises, joie de vivre and generosity are in our universe ...

Happy Friday Nov 28th,2014! The energy of surprises and the unexpected reigns in the universe today. We can develop creative and original ideas under the harmonious triangle formed between the adventurer Venus in the sign of Sagittarius, the agile and bold Uranus in Aries and the inventive Moon in Aquarius. The Sun is still in a challenged angle with Neptune inviting us to unleash our imagination and creativity.
During the day, Mercury is transiting the last stage of its journey through the sign of Scorpio in aspects with Saturn which is challenging Jupiter in Leo, suggesting that we should not commit ourselves to something we cannot keep. Jupiter in Leo can influence us to want to be very generous with an attitude of doing everything people around ask for seeking applause and attention ... If we are aware of this reality, we can use positive and enthusiastic energy that Jupiter in Leo provides and the concentration and analysis Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio gives us to have a productive day meeting targets.

Tonight (Nov 28th,2014), MERCURY switches to visionary Sagittarius adding positivity to our thoughts and the desire for learning something new or expanding our knowledge on something that catches our attention. Also its energy can influence us in wanting to promote our opinion and communicate our perceptions believing in our ideas.

Also, tonight (Nov 28th,2014) the friendly Moon in Aquarius is in harmony with Jupiter in Leo stimulating our desires to have joy. We need to remember to be genuine and respect our freedom and the freedom of others to enjoy an interesting, fun and original night out in company of good friends!

During the weekend we will be under the power of the romantic and compassionate Moon in Pisces challenging the idealistic Sun in Sagittarius, the waxing Quarter Phase of the Moon, to nurture and care for ideas and intentions that we set under the New Moon in Sagittarius last Saturday November 22nd, 2014. The challenge between the Luminaries in idealistic signs (Sagittarius and Pisces) stimulates us collectively to do something that helps those in need. We are less than a month to go to celebrate Christmas. Maybe we can donate a toy or something that we no longer use and is in good condition to a church or to a charity institution to put a smile the face of on someone in need.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Moon Calendar 2015 - "New Moon Calendar 2015"! A unique astrological wall calendar. Inspired by 13 New Moons through the Zodiac from Dec 2014 to Dec 2015.

What a beautiful gift for ourselves and for anyone who wants to tune in with the energy of the New Moon.

 Please check it out on my website:

The moon is a receiver & influences our personal emotions & collective mood.  Benefit from this calendar’s dates & times to plant your intentions on New Moons + Times and Dates when Sun changes Sign, Moon changes sign/phase/eclipses to nurture yourself emotionally. Awaken change in harmony with nature. Tailored for Australian Time Zones! 

Astrología fin de semana Nov 28-30 2014. Innovación, fé en nuestras ideas, sorpresas, alegría de vivir y generosidad están en nuestro universo…

Feliz Viernes! La energia de las sorpresas y de lo inesperado reina en el Universo hoy; podemos elaborar ideas creativas y originales bajo el ángulo armónico formado entre la aventurera Venus en el signo de Sagitario, el ágil y audaz Urano en Aries y la inventiva Luna en Acuario. El Sol todavía se encuentra en desafío con Neptuno invitando a desatar nuestra imaginación y nuestra creatividad.

Durante el día de hoy, Mercurio se encuentra en el último grado de su recorrido por el signo de Escorpio cerca de Saturno y todavía en aspectos con Júpiter en Leo, nos sugiere no comprometernos en algo que no podremos cumplir. La energia que emana el planeta Júpiter en Leo nos puede influir en querer ser muy generosos con una actitud de hacer todo lo que nos pidan buscando el aplauso y la atención…  Si estamos conscientes de esta realidad, podemos utilizar la energia positiva y entusiasta que ofrece Júpiter en Leo y, la concentración y el análisis que ofrece Saturno y Mercurio en Escorpio.

En la noche de hoy (28 Noviembre 2014), MERCURIO cambia al visionario signo de Sagitario agregando positivismo a nuestro pensamiento y deseos por aprender algo nuevo o expandir nuestro conocimiento en algo que nos llama la atención; también, nos influye en querer promover nuestra opinión y comunicar nuestras percepciones teniendo fé en nuestras ideas.

Esta noche  (28 Noviembre 2014) la amistosa Luna en Acuario se encuentra con Júpiter en Leo estimulando nuestros deseos de reunirnos y pasarla bien. Recordemos ser auténticos respetando nuestra libertad y la de los otros para disfrutar de un encuentro interesante, divertido y original en compañía de buenos amigos!

Durante el fin de semana (29-30 Noviembre) estaremos bajo la energia de la Luna en el romántico signo de Piscis desafiando al idealista Sol en Sagitario, es decir tenemos Fase Cuarto Menguante para abonar y cuidar de las ideas e intenciones que nos planteamos bajo la Luna Nueva en Sagitario el pasado Sábado 22 de Noviembre 2014. El desafío entre los Luminarios en signos idealistas (Sagitario y Piscis) puede producir en nosotros colectivamente necesidad de ayudar a los necesitados.  Estamos a menos de un mes para celebrar Navidad y, a lo mejor podemos donar un juguete o algo que ya no usamos y que está en buen estado, a la iglesia u otra institución para poner una sonrisa en alguien que lo necesite.

Feliz fin de semana!

Calendario Lunar 2015!  creado para las personas que residen en Australia.

Please check it out on my website:

It features 13 original artworks that I have painted inspired by each sign of the Zodiac and which will guide us to plant our intentions monthly.  What a beautiful gift for ourselves and for anyone who wants to tune in with the powerful energy of the New Moon. It is also tailored for the Australian Time Zone!
Si deseas profundizar en tu desarrollo personal a través de la Astrología visita la página web:  para solicitar  nuestro servicio y promociones.

Gracias por  apoyar nuestra página en Facebook

Monday 24 November 2014

Astrology November 25th - 27th, 2014. Take the advantage to connect to our core to channel our objective... Mercury encounters Saturn in Scorpio + the Moon revives the challenge between Pluto and Uranus...

Wisdom and analysis to understand an idea and connect with the real cause of what we do is the message that the union between Mercury and Saturn in the intense Scorpio gives us... Saturn, the planet ruling time, maturity and that presents evidence and requires hard work with planning and strategy to achieve our goals is passing its final weeks in the intense Scorpio. Saturn takes 29-30 years to go completely around the zodiac and although in June 2015 Saturn will come back to this profound sign for a couple of months (retrograde period), it will not be joining Mercury in the sign of Scorpio until 2041. .. They will make aspects annually but under other energies. Scorpio is related to the core of passion, fear and the mystery of life ... Let’s not lose the opportunity to be sincere with ourselves and analyse what causes us to channel our passion into our objectives.

The Moon began its transit through the disciplined sign of Capricorn (Nov 25th, 2014) activating the challenge between Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. Pluto starts to move at 12 degrees of Capricorn and Uranus is in retrograde motion at 12 degrees of Aries ... They will form the 6th  exact challenge between 14-15 December 2014 which began back in 2011. These two planets are related to the change and transformation that we are living in our historic times with respect to technology (Uranus) and the foundations of our institutions and our economy (Pluto). Uranus in Aries pushes us to this sudden change, urging us to take quick actions and radically break patterns to progress as a society. Pluto in Capricorn invites us to the reformation of the foundations and structures of our institutions.

Personally I think that to make change we must take drastic decisions but under the wisdom to discriminate between what works and what does not. And this is precisely the message of Pluto in Capricorn: what is useful and what is not? Both collectively in our institutions and in our lives personally. On a personal level, in the area of our birth chart where Uranus and Pluto are transiting, this is where we need to put effort to change and thus progress.

To illustrate what I mean: collectively, technology has evolved so much that some people (every day more and more people) shop online because of time for what we need and our local trade is suffering. However, I think we should all do our bit to not create a big mess ... I mean, use the benefit of the internet to see what we would like to buy but go to the store to get the product. In this way we would benefit from technology without affecting our local economy and without losing the satisfaction of having a cute blouse or pants, avoiding having to return it, living the disappointment not to be able to use it when we want or need it.

Something similar happens with books, newspapers and magazines where we prefer to read everything online, but in my opinion we are creating a habit to only read headlines and not delve into reading, which results in superficiality in our knowledge and a loss of critical review necessary to actually understand a topic ...

On the evening of Wednesday November 26 the Moon is with Mars in the sign of Capricorn which can generate emotional anxiety. Take care not to create problems or feel threatened ... And we should use the positive energy of their meeting to be assertive and commit ourselves, not waiting for the commitment of others with us!

Moon Calendar 2015 - "New Moon Calendar 2015"! A unique astrological wall calendar. Inspired by 13 New Moons through the Zodiac from Dec 2014 to Dec 2015.

What a beautiful gift for ourselves and for anyone who wants to tune in with the energy of the New Moon.

 Please check it out on my website:

The moon is a receiver & influences our personal emotions & collective mood.  Benefit from this calendar’s dates & times to plant your intentions on New Moons + Times and Dates when Sun changes Sign, Moon changes sign/phase/eclipses to nurture yourself emotionally. Awaken change in harmony with nature. Tailored for Australian Time Zones! 

Astrología 25 - 27 Noviembre 2014: aprovechemos a Mercurio y Saturno + Luna en Capricornio activando el desafío entre Plutón y Urano para sintonizarnos con nuestra esencia

Sabiduría y análisis para entender una idea y conectarla con la verdadera causa de lo que hacemos es el mensaje que nos brinda la unión entre Mercurio y Saturno en el intenso signo de Escorpio… Saturno, planeta que rige el tiempo, la madurez y nos presenta pruebas y exige trabajo arduo con planificación y estrategia para alcanzar nuestros objetivos está transitando sus últimas semanas por el intenso signo de Escorpio.  Saturno toma 29 – 30 años en darle la vuelta completa al Zodíaco y aunque en Junio del 2015, Saturno regresará a este profundo signo por un par de meses (periodo retrógrado), no se unirá a Mercurio bajo el signo de Escorpio hasta el 2041... Ellos harán aspectos anualmente pero bajo otras energías. Escorpio está relacionado con el núcleo de la pasión, el miedos y el misterio de la vida… No perdamos la oportunidad de sincerarnos con nosotros mismos y analizar sintonizándonos con lo que nos genera pasión para canalizar nuestros objetivos.
La Luna ya se encuentra transitando por el disciplinado signo de Capricornio activando el desafío entre Plutón en Capricornio y Urano en Aries. Plutón comienza a transitar a 12 grados del signo de Capricornio y Urano se encuentra en retrogrado a 12 grados del signo de Aries… Entre el 14-15 de Diciembre 2014 tendremos el sexto desafío exacto en nuestro que comenzó en el 2011. Estos dos planetas se relacionan con el cambio y la transformación que estamos viviendo en nuestro tiempo histórico con respecto a la tecnología (Urano) y las bases de nuestras instituciones y nuestra economía (Plutón) . Urano en Aries nos impulsa al cambio repentino, incitándonos a tomar acciones rápidas y rompiendo con los patrones de forma radical para progresar como Sociedad. Plutón en Capricornio nos invita a la reformación de las bases y estructuras de nuestras instituciones.

Personalmente pienso que para que ocurra un cambio deben tomarse decisiones drásticas pero bajo la sabiduría de discriminar entre lo que funciona y lo que no. Y es ese precisamente el mensaje de Plutón en Capricornio: qué es útil y que no? colectivamente en nuestras instituciones y, personalmente en nuestra vida. A nivel personal, en el área de nuestra Carta Natal donde se encuentren transitando Urano y Plutón nos dónde tenemos que poner esfuerzo para cambiar y así progresar.
Para ejemplificar a lo que me refiero les expongo: Colectivamente, la tecnología se ha desarrollado tanto que algunas personas (cada día más y más personas) compran por internet por falta de tiempo lo que necesitan y nuestro comercio está sufriendo severamente. Sin embargo, yo creo que todos deberíamos aportar con un  granito de arena para no crear un gran caos… Es decir, utilizar el beneficio de ver por internet lo que nos gustaría comprar pero ir a la tienda para ver cómo nos queda el producto. De esta forma nos beneficiaríamos de la tecnología sin afectar nuestra economía y sin perder la satisfacción de probarnos una linda blusa o un pantalón, evitando tener que devolverla, viviendo la desilusión de no poderla usar cuando lo queríamos o necesitábamos.
Algo parecido sucede con los libros, el periódico y las revistas que preferimos leer todo por internet, pero en mi opinión se está creando un hábito de solo leer titulares y no profundizar en la lectura, lo cual trae como consecuencia superficialidad en nuestro conocimiento y perdida de la revisión crítica tan necesaria para manejar realmente un tema…
En la noche del miércoles 26 de Noviembre del corriente la Luna se encuentra con Marte en el signo de Capricornio lo que puede generarnos ansiedad emocional. Cuidemos de no crear problemas por sentirnos amenazados… Y utilicemos la energia positiva de su encuentro en ser asertivos y comprometernos con nosotros mismos y no esperando el compromiso de otros con nosotros!

"New Moon Calendar 2015" creado para las personas que residen en Australia.

Please check it out on my website:

It features 13 original artworks that I have painted inspired by each sign of the Zodiac and which will guide us to plant our intentions monthly.  What a beautiful gift for ourselves and for anyone who wants to tune in with the powerful energy of the New Moon. It is also tailored for the Australian Time Zone!
 Si deseas profundizar en tu desarrollo personal a través de la Astrología visita la página web:  para solicitar  nuestro servicio y promociones.

Gracias por  apoyar nuestra página en Facebook

Thursday 20 November 2014

Happy Birthday to all people born under the Sun travelling through the sign of Sagittarius!!! New Moon at 0 degrees of Sagittarius on Saturday November 22nd, 2014 at 22:32 Sydney –Australia Summer Time!

Happy Birthday to all people born under the Sun travelling through the sign of Sagittarius!!! On Saturday, November 22nd, 2014, at 20:39 hours Sydney - Australia, the Sun begins its journey through visionary Sagittarius until December 22nd, 2014
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and the third group of signs under the fire element mutable mode or mediator. Its ruling planet is Jupiter and the astrological figure is the centaur from mythology that is half animal and half human with a bow and arrow; the archer is pointing towards the star known as the heart of the Scorpion.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are cheerful, friendly, bold and intuitive, who seek the truth to understand information. They are optimistic, independent-freedom loving and have a good sense of humor. They are after the meaning of everything around them and have the ability to expand their mind to imagine new alternatives, for this reason they are visionary, flexible and can change according to the events that life presents.

They are not usually interested in the details because they give importance to the "whole picture", following the philosophy: the whole is greater than its parts. However, they need to learn where they are stepping not to lose their target focus and control their need to accumulate or collect objects due to their need to learn, and also the arrogance that usually accompanies thinking that you know most things about of anything…

Original Artwork Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Copyright 2014

New Moon at 0 degrees of Sagittarius on Saturday 22nd November 2014 at 22:32 Sydney –Australia Summer Time!

The Sun and the Moon align in the flexible and fiery sign of Sagittarius offering us a time to plant our intentions to expand our knowledge through reading a good book, travelling and exchanging culture. Together they infuse us with enthusiasm to celebrate life and enjoy the festive time we all come together for in December.

Sun and Moon join close to the explorer Venus in Sagittarius to inspire us to discover places, enjoy outdoor activities, improve our appearance, use humour and sparkle when we interact with others but respecting our personal space and freedom of beliefs.

Sun, Moon and Venus in Sagittarius are challenged by Neptune in Pisces stimulating our ideals and dreams influencing us to expect romantic imaginative love… It is also a good time to be generous, reconcile and forgive any resentment.
Jupiter, the ruler planet of this friendly New Moon, is forming a challenged angle with Mercury in Scorpio stimulating our mental agility, and artistic and literary talent.  We can link ideas that may seem unrelated but they awaken our mind to visualise the big picture of our destination.

We all should take a moment this Saturday at 11:32 pm hours (Sydney Australia Summer Time) to inspire ourselves with this artwork taken from the New Moon Calendar 2015 for Sagittarius, to set up positive visionary goals looking at the half full glass of our lives! 

"New Moon Calendar 2015" for sale!

A unique astrological wall calendar. Inspired by 13 New Moons through the Zodiac from Dec 2014 to Dec 2015.

What a beautiful gift for ourselves and for anyone who wants to tune in with the energy of the New Moon.
Please check it out on my website:


The moon is a receiver & influences our personal emotions & collective mood.  Benefit from this calendar’s dates & times to plant your intentions on New Moons + Times and Dates when Sun changes Sign, Moon changes sign/phase/eclipses to nurture yourself emotionally. Awaken change in harmony with nature. Tailored for Australian Time Zones! 


Feliz cumpleaños a las personas nacidas bajo el signo de Sagitario!!! Mañana sábado 22 de noviembre del 2013, a las 20:39 horas Sydney - Australia, el Sol comenzará su recorrido por el visionario signo de Sagitario donde permanecerá hasta la mañana del 22 de Diciembre 2014

Sagitario es el noveno signo del Zodíaco y el tercero del grupo de signos bajo el elemento fuego con cualidad de adaptabilidad ante los cambios. El planeta regente es Júpiter y la figura astrológica es el centauro de la Mitología que es mitad animal y mitad ser humano con un arco y una flecha; el arquero apunta hacia la estrella conocida como el corazón del Escorpión.
Las personas nacidas bajo el signo de Sagitario no sólo buscan la verdad de las cosas sino también entenderlas. Son optimistas e independientes que aman la libertad, poseen un buen sentido del humor son alegres, audaces e intuitivos. Ellos buscan el significado de todo lo que les rodea y tienen la habilidad de ampliar su mente para encontrar nuevas alternativas, por esta razón son visionarios y pueden adaptarse a los diferentes acontecimientos que la vida les presente.

Por lo general, no les interesan los detalles, preocupándose por el resultado final, siguiendo la filosofía: el todo es más que sus partes. Feliz cumpleaños a todos los Sagitarianos!

Original Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Copyright 2014
A las 22:32 de este sábado 22 de noviembre 2014 tendremos la Luna Nueva en el signo de Sagitario ofreciéndonos un tiempo para plantar nuestras intenciones de ampliar nuestro conocimiento a través de la lectura de un buen libro; viajar e intercambiar cultura. Juntos nos infunden con entusiasmo para celebrar la vida y disfrutar de las fiestas decembrinas.

El Sol y la Luna se unen cerca de la exploradora Venus en Sagitario inspirándonos en querer descubrir lugares; disfrutar de actividades al aire libre; mejorar nuestra apariencia; utilizar el humor y la chispa cuando nos relacionamos con los demás, pero respetando nuestro espacio personal y la libertad tener nuestras creencias.

El Sol, la Luna y Venus en Sagitario son desafiados por Neptuno en Piscis estimulando nuestros ideales y nuestras fantasías para querer encontrar el amor idealista y romántico, ser generosos, buscar la reconciliación y perdonar cualquier resentimiento.

Júpiter, planeta regente de la Luna Nueva, desafía a Mercurio en Escorpio estimulando nuestra agilidad mental, nuestro talento artístico y literario. Podemos atar ideas que pueden parecer sin relación pero forman parte del panorama general de nuestro destino.

Todos deberíamos tomar un momento este sábado a las 11:32 horas pm (hora en Sydney-Australia), e inspirándonos en esta hermosa imagen tomada del New Moon Calendar 2015, para establecer metas visionarias positivas apreciando el vaso medio lleno y no el medio vacío de nuestra vida! Feliz fin de Semana.

"New Moon Calendar 2015" creado para las personas que residen en Australia.

Please check it out on my website:

It features 13 original artworks that I have painted inspired by each sign of the Zodiac and which will guide us to plant our intentions monthly.  What a beautiful gift for ourselves and for anyone who wants to tune in with the powerful energy of the New Moon. It is also tailored for the Australian Time Zone!
 Si deseas profundizar en tu desarrollo personal a través de la Astrología visita la página web:  para solicitar  nuestro servicio y promociones.

Gracias por  apoyar nuestra página en Facebook


Monday 17 November 2014

Astrology Week 17- NOV 20, 2014. Venus goes ahead and shifts to the sign of Sagittarius to fill us with joy while the Sun meets Saturn forcing us to do what we have not yet done...

Venus began its transit through the positive fire sign "Sagittarius" on Monday, November 17 where it will remain until next December 10, permeating the ideal of crossing the horizon to find exciting surprises, be generous and freely express our love. It values honesty and having an open mind to learn what we find on our way!

This week Venus on its journey through the sign of Sagittarius, forming an angle of friction with the planet Neptune transiting the sign of dreamer Pisces, stimulates fantasy feelings. For this reason, we must beware of idealising love and overindulging our cravings, exaggerating spending too much money on things that maybe we do not need ...

On the morning of Wednesday, November 19, 2014, the Moon in the sign of Libra influences us in wanting to find harmony and peace. Honesty and controlling our emotions are our allies not to act impulsively. It is important not to speculate without being sure of what we feel because of the tense angle formed by the Moon with the rebel Uranus in Aries and the challenge angle the Moon forms with conservative Pluto in Capricorn.

Mercury in Scorpio gives us the ability to analyse any situation especially because it is in harmony with Mars in Capricorn, enabling us to express our view successfully. If we convey our ideas with diplomacy that the Moon in Libra suggests and confidence in what we want to do proposed by Venus in Sagittarius, we may find the puzzle we were looking for to make change.

The harmony between the Sun and Saturn in the deep sign of Scorpio shows us our responsibilities and reminds us not shirk our duties. Together they emanate the power of order and discipline that benefits us to plan our time well to fulfill our duties. This may be one of those days that we can finish something unfinished if we organise our priorities using patience and persistence to achieve what we set out to do.

On the afternoon of Thursday, November 20 the Balsamic Moon in the sign of Scorpio invites us to connect with the mysteries of life and drop any resentment to heal our feelings. Time for review and close an emotional cycle  to be able to receive the energy of the New Cycle of the Moon starting this Saturday 22 November 2014 in the sign of Sagittarius.

"New Moon Calendar 2015" for sale!

A unique astrological wall calendar. Inspired by 13 New Moons through the Zodiac from Dec 2014 to Dec 2015.

What a beautiful gift for ourselves and for anyone who wants to tune in with the energy of the New Moon.

Please check it out on my website:

The moon is a receiver & influences our personal emotions & collective mood.  Benefit from this calendar’s dates & times to plant your intentions on New Moons + Times and Dates when Sun changes Sign, Moon changes sign/phase/eclipses to nurture yourself emotionally. Awaken change in harmony with nature. Tailored for Australian Time Zones!