Stellium Light

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Astrology weekend May 01-04, 2015: Mercury in Gemini opens the door to communicate. Mercury and Saturn form an opposition for us to be realistic with information & FULL MOON IN SCORPIO ON MONDAY MAY 4, 2015 – a moment to connect with our deepest emotions.

The month of May starts under the harmonious Moon in Libra inviting us to relate & the communicator Mercury starts its transit through one of its homes: Gemini. The messenger of the gods of mythology (Mercury) opens the door to quench our curiosity through conversation and exchange of information. From May 1- 19, 2015 Mercury will transit in direct motion stimulating news, media and to search for the reasons why events happen around us.

Mercury is in Gemini from May 1 to July 9, 2015 giving us the ability to do and think at the same time. This period includes three weeks of reflection from May 19 to June 11, 2015 (the retrograde motion illusion*) that provides a time to slow down to renegotiate and review any project. Stay tuned to check out a separate article that will be published on May 15, 2015 with tips on how to take advantage of Mercury in retrograde motion in the sign of Gemini
The young Mercury and the wise Saturn form an opposition from May 1- 4 2015 suggesting being flexible in the way we communicate, avoid negative thoughts and instead use positive energy to objectively analyse the information that comes into our hands. Both are challenging the mystical Neptune in Pisces indicating the importance to tolerate and open our hearts to people that look for our advice.

Under these energies the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio face each other on Monday May 4, 2015 at 01:42 pm - FULL MOON at 13 degrees of intense SCORPIO... Our emotions vibrate! Scorpio represents the inner strength that comes from overcoming our fears, shadows and desires. This passionate moon enlightens us to connect deeply with our unconscious and let go of what disturbs us ... probably accumulated from past experience that perhaps we have not fully resolved.

Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio are forming a fixed dynamic polarity ie energy that resists change. Jupiter in Leo challenges the two Luminaries (Sun and Moon) noting the need to liberate our inner truth and get out of our comfort zone to explore the beauty we have inside.

Pluto, the planet ruling the sign of Scorpio in modern astrology, is in harmony with both luminaries emanating power of transformation through discipline. I think the way to eliminate a bad habit or something that hurts us or keeps us in our comfort zone, is by replacing it with a positive routine that fills us with passion.

Mars co-ruler of Scorpio and which directs our passion is in Taurus suggesting that perseverance is the tool to be firm with the decision we made. It's easy once one makes a decision to do something new or breaking with something that does us no good to find resistance, but only patience and perseverance help us in achieving the goal.
Venus natural ruler of the sign of Taurus, is in Gemini inviting us to keep an open mind to use humour with our new version of ourselves!...

Note: *Retrograde is an astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where the planet appears to be in reverse rotation in relation with Earth which is also in movement. Astrology explains the event as an opportunity to review and adjust according to the energy that generates the planet.

Remember that these are collective energies and at a personal level we need to relate the energies with our Birth Chart. Stellium Light is the perfect place for all your Astrology needs visit   or send an email to request our services to

Connecting with the Universe's Energy we can be our best!

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