Stellium Light

Thursday 29 January 2015

Astrología para el fin de semana 30 Enero - 01 febrero 2015. Venus enfrenta a Saturno, pero se acerca más a Neptuno ofreciéndonos la oportunidad de crear...

Venus se enfrenta con Saturno este  viernes 30 de enero 2015, generando una energia poco romántica que sugiere más bien  concentrarse en algún trabajo creativo-realista que beneficie nuestro futuro a largo plazo. Ambos en desacuerdo nos pueden brindar lecciones donde nuestros valores serán la mejor guía para resolver cualquier situación afectiva.
Si nos sentimos solos es mejor utilizar la creatividad… la cual está tan popular en estos días…

La creativa Venus se encuentra a pocos grados de distancia del imaginativo Neptuno generando  energia para producir algo hermoso que nos brinde belleza y paz.
A continuación les ejemplifico la energia de Venus con Neptuno juntos en la Carta Natal de tres personajes famosos, para apreciar 3 formas distintas de hacer arte:
  • El Pintor francés Paul Cézanne además de tener la imaginativa Luna de Piscis en su Carta Natal, nació bajo la unión de Venus y Neptuno en el original signo de Acuario. Sus obras post-impresionistas son el mejor ejemplo para representar la energia progresista de Acuario, sobre todo con su Arte, tanto así que es considerado el padre de la Pintura Moderna.
  • La actriz italiana Sophía Loren, reconocida mundialmente por sus películas internacionales y quien consiguió el Oscar a la mejor interpretación femenina por su impresionante trabajo en Dos mujeres en 1960 tiene en su Carta Natal a Venus y Neptuno juntos en el perfeccionista signo de Virgo.
  • El diseñador de modas Pierre Cardin tiene muchos aspectos astrológicos en su Carta Natal que señalan su potencial como diseñador que transforma la moda… el Ascendente y la Luna en el artístico signo de Libra, la transformativa unión del Sol y Plutón, pero indiscutiblemente Venus a un solo grado de distancia de Neptuno bajo el signo de Leo le ofrece la el liderazgo creativo para orquestar la Moda.

No solo tenemos la creatividad a flor de piel con Venus y Neptuno juntos durante el fin de semana sino que también el Universo nos brinda la armonía entre Marte en Piscis y Plutón en Capricornio que me dan la sensación de un tango que se combina la magia y la pasión.

Astrológicamente, Marte y Plutón se relacionan con la fuerza y la lucha hasta la muerte. Ambos en armonía emanan energia instintiva de fuerza para lograr un propósito.
El Domingo 01 de Febrero de 2015, cuando la Luna esté transitando por el sensible signo de Cáncer y forme armonía con Venus y Neptuno se nos presentará un día para dejar en nuestra memoria algo hermoso que recordar…

Feliz fin de semana!

Promoción para el dia de los enamorados:

Original artwork Cecilia Lugo- Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015
Puedes adquirir la tarjeta "Zodiac Lovers"  sin costo con la compra del set de las 12 tarjetas del Zodiaco - incluye el envio a cualquier Ciudad en Australia.   iCada tarjeta esta inspirada en las energias de cada uno de los 12 signos del Zodiaco, ideal para cualquier occasion. Para ordenar visita este enlace:
Original Artwork Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015

Astrology weekend Jan 30th to Feb 1st 2015. Venus confronts Saturn but comes closer to Neptune offering us a chance to create …

Venus challenges Saturn on Friday January 30, 2015, generating energy for us to concentrate on a creative-realistic project that benefits us in the long-term rather than a short term romantic adventure. Venus and Saturn in disagreement can teach us lessons in which our values will be the best guide to solve any affectionate situation.

If we feel alone it is better to use our creativity ... so popular these days ...
The creative Venus is only a few degrees away from the imaginative Neptune in the sensible sign of Pisces allowing us to produce something beautiful that gives us beauty and peace.

 Let me show you below the energy of Venus & Neptune together in the Natal Chart of three celebrities to appreciate 3 ways of making art and creativity:
• The French painter Paul Cézanne who was born under the imaginative Moon in Pisces but who also has the union of Venus and Neptune in the original sign of Aquarius in his Natal Chart. His post-impressionist works are the best example to represent the progressive energy of Aquarius, so much that he is considered the father of modern painting.

 • The Italian actress Sophia Loren, world renowned for her international films and who won the Oscar for Best Actress for her impressive work “Two women “in 1960. She has in her natal chart Venus and Neptune together in the perfectionist sign of Virgo.
• Fashion designer Pierre Cardin has many astrological aspects in his natal chart offering his potential as a fashion designer who transforms styles of dress in many time periods. He has an Ascendant and the Moon in the artistic sign of Libra, his natal chart holds a transformative union of the Sun and Pluto, but undeniably Venus is only one degree of distance of Neptune in the sign of Leo offering him the creative leadership to orchestrate Fashion.

Not only will creativity come to the surface with Venus and Neptune together during the weekend but also the Universe offers us the harmony between Mars in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn that gives me personally the feeling of a ‘tango’ that combines magic and passion.
Astrologically, Mars and Pluto are related to our power and the energy to fight to the death for something. Both in harmony emanate an instinctive energy force to accomplish a purpose.

On Sunday February 1, 2015, when the Moon is transiting the sensitive sign of Cancer and forms harmony with Venus and Neptune it will present us a day to do something that will stay in our memory and we will remember something beautiful for many years...

Have a great weekend!

Promotion for St Valentine's day
Add some Zodiac Spark to your 2015 with a set of inspirational Zodiac greeting cards with original art work for the 12 zodiac signs.

12 Zodiac New Moon Greeting cards inspired by the powerful union of the Sun and Moon!  The cards are blank inside—great for any occasion to bring joy all year around—and on the back have the inspirational message for the Zodiac sign which represents the spirit of the image. They are a nice touch to add to any gift. To order yours please visit

Venus and Mars are going to be in the romantic sign of Pisces in a mist of love, giving us the opportunity to splash around our love with our loved ones and friends.  They start their journey in January and embrace each other for the Valentine’s weekend in February 2015.

From Mythology, Venus the goddess of Love desires Mars and both are transiting together on Valentine’s Day in 2015.  Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the Zodiac showing kindness and sympathy to others.  It makes the perfect moment to express our love…  with a Zodiac Lovers card.

Special offer from January through to Valentine’s Day 2015: $36.00 for the package of 12 cards plus special Valentine’s Day FREE Zodiac Lovers Card.

Monday 26 January 2015

We should take advantage of the serene Moon of Taurus between Jan 27-28th 2015, when Venus will immerse into Pisces. Love is rocking between the tides and the breeze with the energies of the Sun transiting the sign of Aquarius and the reflective Mercury also in Aquarius plus Mars and Neptune in Pisces...

Original Collage Federico Anderson
Copyright 2015

Venus represents love, relationships and values and it is associated with creativity, fertility, finances and feelings.

Venus will dive into Pisces on Jan 28th 2015 (summer time Australia) where it will be feeling and dreaming until February 21st.

Venus in Pisces is internal, subjective and generates collective fragile feelings like a soap bubble, generating a tendency to absorb the feelings of people around us. We can sympathise with the feelings of others but also fear that someone will hurt us …. This is the land of the platonic love... that beautiful feeling that has inspired many writers to write the letters of their poetry by that love which is difficult to express verbally but feels deeply! Mars is the love of Venus, and it is also immersed in this magical sign of Pisces, stimulating us to love and seek for someone special to give and receive love ...
Mercury, the fastest planet in our universe, and which in astrology is associated with our thinking, is in retrograde due to its proximity to our planet and is transiting the original sign of Aquarius. Ideas flit through our mind ... and with the Sun also moving through this inventive sign, one way or another we can all be thinking about how to take a course of action in the New Year which is just beginning.
The combination of elements and modalities of Aquarius (Air and fixed sign where Sun & Mercury are transiting) and Pisces (Air and mutable sign where Venus & Mars are transiting) can influence us to travel from the future to the past and back without realising ... we may ask questions such as: why would anyone we desired in the past have not resulted in love? Or what do we have to do to find a love with the experience of what we learnt but that never was? And also, why we distance ourselves from a friend who offered us happiness?

For this reason, we should not be surprised if we had conversations with people from our past to revive old feelings somehow. RECONCILIATIONS are possible because the energy reminds us that such differences are what make us different and unique at the same time ... So feeling different and expressing difference is part of the same thing we call love. We don’t all love the same way and with Venus near Neptune in Pisces and Mars close enough to the ruler of Pisces (Neptune) increasing tolerance and understanding of others, the energy increases so that we can pursue all that we want in love.

Seize Wednesday, January 28, 2015 to reflect on the serene crescent Moon in the sign of Taurus, which suggests we address our emotions slowly but surely to find stability in our present, and with that I leave a beautiful phrase to ponder:

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today”. Dale Carnegie.

Promotion for St Valentine's day
Add some Zodiac Spark to your 2015 with a set of inspirational Zodiac greeting cards with original art work for the 12 zodiac signs.

12 Zodiac New Moon Greeting cards inspired by the powerful union of the Sun and Moon!  The cards are blank inside—great for any occasion to bring joy all year around—and on the back have the inspirational message for the Zodiac sign which represents the spirit of the image. They are a nice touch to add to any gift. To order yours please visit

Venus and Mars are going to be in the romantic sign of Pisces in a mist of love, giving us the opportunity to splash around our love with our loved ones and friends.  They start their journey in January and embrace each other for the Valentine’s weekend in February 2015.

From Mythology, Venus the goddess of Love desires Mars and both are transiting together on Valentine’s Day in 2015.  Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the Zodiac showing kindness and sympathy to others.  It makes the perfect moment to express our love…  with a Zodiac Lovers card.

Special offer from January through to Valentine’s Day 2015: $36.00 for the package of 12 cards plus special Valentine’s Day FREE Zodiac Lovers Card.

Aprovechemos la serena Luna de Tauro 27-28 de Enero 2015 cuando Venus se sumerge en Piscis. El amor se mece entre la briza que nos envía el Sol Acuariano y Mercurio reflexivo en Acuario y, la marea que nos trae Marte y Neptuno en Piscis…

Original collage Federico Anderson
Copyright 2015
Venus representa el amor, las relaciones y los valores y se asocia con la creatividad, la fertilidad, las finanzas y los sentimientos. Venus salta a las aguas dominadas por Neptuno  (signo Piscis) el 28 de enero 2015 (Horario de verano en Australia) donde permanecerá hasta el 21 de febrero.

Venus en Piscis es interna, subjetiva y genera sentimientos frágiles colectivos como pompas de jabón generando una tendencia a absorber los sentimientos de las personas que nos rodea. Podemos simpatizar con los sentimientos de los otros,  pero también temer a que nos hagan daño… Esta es la tierra del amor platónico...... esa hermosa sensación de que ha inspirado a muchos escritores a escribir las letras de su poesía por ese amor que es difícil expresar verbalmente, pero se siente profundamente! Marte es el amor de Venus, y también está inmerso en este signo mágico de Piscis, que nos estimulan a amar y buscar a alguien especial para dar nuestro amor ...Mercurio, el rápido planeta de nuestro universo que en astrología se asocia con nuestro pensamiento, se encuentra reflexivo por su cercanía a nuestro planeta y está transitando el original signo de Acuario. Ideas revolotean por nuestra mente… y, con el Sol transitando también por este inventivo signo, de una forma u otra todos podemos estar pensando en cómo tomar un rumbo en este nuevo año que apenas comienza.
La combinación de los elementos y modalidades (aire/fija del signo Acuario) y (agua/mutable del signo de Piscis) nos pueden influir en viajar del futuro al pasado sin darnos cuenta… generándonos preguntas… por ejemplo:¿por qué alguien que quisimos mucho no resulto?
O, ¿qué tengo que hacer para encontrar un amor con la experiencia de lo aprendido que no fue?
Y también, ¿por qué nos distanciamos de un amigo que nos brindaba felicidad?

Por esta razón, no deberíamos sorprendernos si tuviéramos conversaciones con personas de nuestro pasado que revivan sentimientos de alguna manera. RECONCILIACIONES son posibles porque la energia nos recuerda que las diferencias son las que nos hacen distintos y únicos a la misma vez… Entonces sentir diferente y expresar diferente es parte de lo mismo que llamamos amor. No todos amamos de la misma forma y con Venus cerca de Neptuno en Piscis y Marte lo suficientemente cerca del regente de Piscis (Neptuno) se incrementa la tolerancia y la compresión sintonizándonos con el otro para perseguir eso que todos queremos AMOR.
Aprovechemos este miércoles 28 de Enero 2015 para reflexionar bajo la serena Luna en cuarto creciente en el signo de Tauro, que nos sugiere abordar nuestras emociones a paso lento pero seguro para encontrar estabilidad en nuestro presente, les dejo una hermosa frase para reflexionar:

“Una de las cosas más trágicas que conozco sobre la naturaleza humana es que todos tendemos a posponer la vida. Todos estamos soñando con un jardín de rosas mágico en el horizonte en vez de disfrutar de las rosas que florecen hoy afuera de nuestras ventanas”. Dale Carnegie.
Promoción para el dia de los enamorados:
Original artwork Cecilia Lugo- Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015
Puedes adquirir la tarjeta "Zodiac Lovers"  sin costo con la compra del set de las 12 tarjetas del Zodiaco - incluye el envio a cualquier Ciudad en Australia.   iCada tarjeta esta inspirada en las energias de cada uno de los 12 signos del Zodiaco, ideal para cualquier occasion. Para ordenar visita este enlace:
Original Artwork Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015



Wednesday 21 January 2015

Astrology weekend 23 to 26 January 2015! We can do magic - with the meeting between the Moon, Mars and Neptune in Pisces -23 January 2015.

Until the early hours of Sunday 25th of January 2015, the Moon will be transiting the sensitive sign of Pisces. Emotions can be confusing and feelings undefined under the moon in Pisces, and for this reason we must avoid alienation from people around us. It is also a New Moon phase inviting us to remain calm and avoid activities that require attention. Rather we should try to connect with our present emotions, letting our imagination run and follow our intuition about what we need to feed our soul. However, because Mars is in this sensitive sign of Pisces, we can take our warm energy to develop our inner courage and use it in a positive way by letting our beautiful feelings flow.
Mars and Neptune are close to each other in the spiritual Pisces stimulating our unconscious, our dreams and our imagination ... The fighting spirit coupled with compassion allows us to help the weakest. Saturn in challenge angle with Neptune and Mars pushes us to leave the tranquillity of daydreaming and do something to achieve our dreams.
However, we cannot forget that under the influence of the Piscean energy we can be tempted to escape reality. But with the Master Saturn traveling through the sign of Sagittarius we must question and speak loudly to ourselves to release anything we do not like about us and work with discipline. But we must remember not to be hard on ourselves ... Only if we let go of the past can we start over!

Sun in Aquarius emanates energy of radical change, and Mercury also passes through this inventive sign but in a motion that invites us to reflect in order to create new and fresh ideas that will help us to move forward.
Venus still in opposition to Jupiter invites us to balance the Aquarius / Leo polarity suggesting that we should open our hearts to those around us in a spirit of camaraderie. The Venusian energy in Aquarius opposite Jupiter in Leo encourages us to grow into what we really are and contribute creatively in any good cause, with a group or just helping a good friend ... Pluto in Capricorn in defiance with Uranus in Aries is where we have been remembering for the past two and half years about the need to reform collective standards in a rapidly changing world ... a need we can also apply to our personal lives.

In Australia, we have a long weekend not only for questioning ourselves internally but also to enjoy a beautiful romantic night during the dates when the Moon transits the sensitive sign of Pisces. How beautiful our universe is with Venus illuminating the dark night of the New Moon ...  Don’t miss the opportunity to watch Venus in good company! Venus appears in the west after sunset. Also, the energies in Pisces invite us to enjoy movies. I recommend the movie "The Water Diviner" with Russell Crowe. It is about an Australian farmer who travels to Turkey after the Battle of Gallipoli in search of his three missing sons. The film has a message and it is very appropriate to celebrate Australia Day! In the early hours of Sunday January 25, 2015, the moon will change to the collective mood with its transit through the entrepreneurial sign of Aries filling us up with enthusiasm to start something or take a quick decision. Have a very romantic weekend!

Promotion for St Valentine's day
Add some Zodiac Spark to your 2015 with a set of inspirational Zodiac greeting cards with original art work for the 12 zodiac signs.

12 Zodiac New Moon Greeting cards inspired by the powerful union of the Sun and Moon!  The cards are blank inside—great for any occasion to bring joy all year around—and on the back have the inspirational message for the Zodiac sign which represents the spirit of the image. They are a nice touch to add to any gift. To order yours please visit

Venus and Mars are going to be in the romantic sign of Pisces in a mist of love, giving us the opportunity to splash around our love with our loved ones and friends.  They start their journey in January and embrace each other for the Valentine’s weekend in February 2015.

From Mythology, Venus the goddess of Love desires Mars and both are transiting together on Valentine’s Day in 2015.  Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the Zodiac showing kindness and sympathy to others.  It makes the perfect moment to express our love…  with a Zodiac Lovers card.

Special offer from January through to Valentine’s Day 2015: $36.00 for the package of 12 cards plus special Valentine’s Day FREE Zodiac Lovers Card.

Astrologia fin de semana 23-26 Enero 2015! Podemos hacer magia -23 de Enero 2015 - con el encuentro de la Luna, Marte y Neptuno en Piscis.

La Luna se encuentra todavía en fase Nueva invitándonos a mantenernos tranquilos, evitando actividades que exijan mucha atención y más bien conectarnos con nuestras emociones presentes, dejando correr la imaginación  siguiendo nuestra intuición acerca de lo que necesitamos para alimentar nuestra alma. Las emociones pueden ser confusas y los sentimientos indefinidos bajo la Luna en el signo de Piscis, por esta razón debemos evitar la alienación por parte de las personas que nos rodean.
Sin embargo, gracias a que Marte se encuentra en este sensible signo de Piscis, podemos tomar su energia cálida para desarrollar nuestro coraje interno y usarlo de forma positiva dejando correr nuestros hermosos sentimientos.

Marte y Neptuno se encuentran juntos en el espiritual signo de Piscis estimulando nuestro inconsciente, nuestros sueños y nuestra imaginación… El  espíritu de lucha unido a la compasión nos permite ayudar a los más débiles. Saturno en ángulo desafiante con Neptuno y Marte nos empuja a salir de la tranquilidad de soñar despiertos y hacer algo para lograr nuestros sueños.

Sin embargo, no podemos olvidar que con la energia de Piscis hay que evitar el escapismo… Con el Maestro Saturno viajando por el signo de Sagitario, a nivel personal y de acuerdo al área de nuestra carta natal* donde se encuentre transitando y los aspectos que haga con nuestros Planetas Natales, debemos cuestionarnos y  hablar en voz alta con nosotros mismos para soltar lo que no nos gusta de nosotros, trabajando con disciplina pero recordemos no ser duros con nosotros mismos… Solo si soltamos el pasado podemos comenzar!

El Sol en Acuario emana energia de cambio radical y, Mercurio  también transita por este inventivo signo aunque en un movimiento que nos invita a reflexionar para poder crear ideas nuevas y frescas que nos ayuden a avanzar. Venus todavía en oposición con Júpiter nos invita a balancear la polaridad Leo/Acuario indicando que necesitamos abrir nuestro corazón a las personas que nos rodean con un espíritu de camaradería. La energia Venusina en Acuario enfrente de Júpiter en Leo nos incita al crecimiento de lo que realmente somos para contribuir creativamente en alguna causa, a un grupo o simplemente ayudando a un buen amigo…Pluto en Capricornio en desafío con Urano en Aries nos han estado recordando por los últimos dos años y medio aproximadamente, la necesidad colectiva por reformar normas en un mundo que cambia aceleradamente... Necesidad que podemos aplicar a nuestra vida personal.
En Australia, tenemos un fin de semana largo para no solo cuestionarnos internamente sino también para disfrutar de unos días de ensueño bajo la romántica Luna en Piscis. Que hermoso se ve nuestro Universo con el Lucero de Venus alumbrando la noche oscura de la Luna Nueva… No perdamos la oportunidad de ver a Venus en buena compañía! Venus aparece en el oeste después del atardecer. También, las energías en Piscis invitan a disfrutar del cine, les recomiendo la película “The Water Diviner” que trata de un granjero australiano que viaja a Turquía después de la Batalla de Gallipoli en búsqueda de sus tres hijos desaparecidos. La película tiene mucho mensaje y es muy apropiada para celebrar Australia Day! En horas tempranas del Domingo 25 de Enero 2015, la Luna cambiará el humor colectivo con su tránsito por el emprendedor signo de Aries llenándonos de entusiasmo para iniciar /tomar alguna decisión rápida. Feliz fin de semana!

Original artwork Cecilia Lugo- Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015

Promoción para el dia de los enamorados ► puedes adquirir la tarjeta "Zodiac Lovers"  sin costo con la compra del set de las 12 tarjetas del Zodiaco - incluye el envio a cualquier Ciudad en Australia.   iCada tarjeta esta inspirada en las energias de cada uno de los 12 signos del Zodiaco, ideal para cualquier occasion. Para ordenar visita este enlace:
Original Artwork Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015

Monday 19 January 2015

First New Moon of the year at 0 degrees in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius!

The Sun and the Moon meet on January 21, 2015 at 00:13 hours (Sydney-Australia). With their union a New Moon month cycle starts to plant our intentions related with the authentic energy of the sign of Aquarius. Both together emanate energy to be truthful connecting with our wisdom.

This new Moon is supported by the responsible Saturn offering us great depth of understanding and a methodical way to succeed. Venus and Mercury in Aquarius are opposing Jupiter in Leo suggesting we must find balance in learning, self-restraint and thinking with factual knowledge. Mercury, the planet associated with thinking and communication turns retrograde the next day (the apparent backwards motion due to the closeness to our planet), inviting us to keep an open mind, reflect & not to make hasty conclusions with our opinions.

Due to the motion of Mercury for the next three weeks and before the New Moon cycle starts again we should pay attention to what we say and what we hear, focus and review our work to avoid mistakes, re-evaluate our goals and find solutions to improve ourselves not only as individuals but also as part of our community.

A way to be authentic is accepting our uniqueness and acknowledging we are open to accepting others who are not like us…

The sign of Aquarius is also known as “The Water Bearer”. Uranus is the unpredictable rebel planet that promotes progress and is the ruler of Aquarius in Modern Astrology.  Saturn is the co-ruler in Traditional Astrology, representing serious and stabilising authority energy. Aquarius’ positive energy is associated with being goal oriented, individuality, freedom, originality for seeing things outside the box, invention, sudden change, progress, networking, technology, astrology, social welfare, groups, organisations, friendship & humanity.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to align your emotions with the beginning of the natural moon cycle each month in 2015.  There’s still time to buy the New Moon Calendar 2015 which offers guidance and tips to plant your intentions every month according to the energy of the Zodiac sign and where the Sun and Moon meet. Purchase your calendar on line and get a complementary insightful analysis about your Moon sign, phase and position in your Birth Chart (time, date and place of birth) … after you purchase the New Moon Calendar 2015 send me an email 

 Promotion for St Valentine's day

Add some Zodiac Spark to your 2015 with a set of inspirational Zodiac greeting cards with original art work for the 12 zodiac signs.

12 Zodiac New Moon Greeting cards inspired by the powerful union of the Sun and Moon!  The cards are blank inside—great for any occasion to bring joy all year around—and on the back have the inspirational message for the Zodiac sign which represents the spirit of the image. They are a nice touch to add to any gift.

Venus and Mars are going to be in the romantic sign of Pisces in a mist of love, giving us the opportunity to splash around our love with our loved ones and friends.  They start their journey in January and embrace each other for the Valentine’s weekend in February 2015.

From Mythology, Venus the goddess of Love desires Mars and both are transiting together on Valentine’s Day in 2015.  Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the Zodiac showing kindness and sympathy to others.  It makes the perfect moment to express our love…  with a Zodiac Lovers card.

Special offer from January through to Valentine’s Day 2015: $36.00 for the package of 12 cards plus special Valentine’s Day FREE Zodiac Lovers Card.

Primera Luna Nueva del año a 0 grados del progresista y humanitario signo de Acuario!

Compartiendo Sabiduría Universal
Original artwork by Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
La Luna Nueva nos presenta un comienzo de ciclo para plantar nuestros objetivos. El Sol y la Luna se encuentran a las 00:13 horas del 21 de Enero 2015 (Sydney-Australia) bajo la energia del original signo de Acuario apoyados por el responsable Saturno que hace poco comenzó su viaje por el visionario signo de Sagitario. Esta armonía entre los luminarios (Sol y Luna) con el sabio planeta Saturno nos ofrece método para establecer nuestras metas de forma realista permitiéndonos madurar en nuestras creencias.

Venus y Mercurio se encuentran también en el futurista signo de Acuario pero formando una oposición con el planeta Júpiter en Leo sugiriéndonos que debemos encontrar equilibro en nuestra búsqueda por aprendizaje acerca de nosotros mismos y como aplicarlo en nuestro entorno.

Mercurio, el planeta que rige los procesos de pensamiento y comunicación, por su cercanía con nuestro planeta comienza un movimiento aparente (retrogrado) que nos invita  a mantener nuestra mente abierta y no hacer conclusiones apresuradas con nuestras opiniones.
Debido al movimiento de Mercurio por tres semanas y antes de que comience el nuevo ciclo de la Luna debemos prestar atención a lo que decimos y a lo que escuchamos, concentrarnos y revisar nuestro trabajo para evitar errores y no apresurarnos en la toma de decisiones.

El Universo nos ofrece a nivel colectivo un tiempo para  Re-evaluar nuestras metas, encontrar soluciones para mejorar y progresar no solo como personas sino como sociedad;  Encontrar nuestra autenticidad aceptando nuestra singularidad; y Reconocer nuestras diferencias con los demás teniendo compasión con los que no son como nosotros.
El signo de Acuario es también conocido como "El Aguador". Urano es el planeta que se asocia con el cambio imprevisto que promueve el progreso y rige el signo de  Acuario en la astrología moderna. Saturno es el co-regente del signo de Acuario en la astrología tradicional. La energía positiva del signo de Acuario se asocia con objetivos y metas, individualidad, libertad, originalidad, invención, cambio repentino, progreso, contactos a nivel de redes, tecnología, astrología, búsqueda por el bienestar social, los grupos, las organizaciones, la amistad y la humanidad.
La imagen de esta Luna de Acuario y el texto se encuentra en mi New Moon Calendario 2015 diseñado bajo el horario en Australia y en inlgés. Ofrece una guia para sembrar nuestras intenciones mes a mes bajo la union del Sol y la Luna cada mes de acuerdo al signo donde se encuentren. Si no has adquirido el tuyo todavia tienes chance. Por favor haz click en este enlace
Tambien puedes ordenar las 12 tarjetas del Zodiaco, ideal para cualquier occasion inspiradas en las 12 Lunas Nuevas para el 2015. Promocion para el dia de los enamorados puedes adquirir la tarjeta "Zodiac Lovers" con la compra del set de las 12 tarjetas del Zodiaco - incluye el envoi dentro de Australia.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Weekend astrology Jan 16-18 2015 >Excitement with eagerness to learn and see beyond the horizon gives us the Moon in the adventurous sign of Sagittarius from tonight, Friday 16 to Sunday night January 18, 2015...

However, the energies of the moon benefit us to socialise and do something different during the night of Saturday 17, when the Moon forms harmoniously with Uranus in entrepreneurial Aries and transiting Venus with Mercury in the original Aquarius. This energy favours a chance encounter outdoors with good friends to enjoy a chat with the freedom to talk and give our opinion on a topic of mutual interest.

We cannot let pass the opportunity to do something special to forget our routine and that give us joy on Sunday morning January 18, 2015. The Sagittarius Moon harmonises with Jupiter in Leo inviting us to feel our spirit awakening the child within of us. How about in the beautiful summer we have in Australia, we go to the beach and have fun moving through the water on a paddle board that is so trendy! But if the weather doesn’t allow it we can enjoy going to the theatre ...

Have a fun weekend!!

Add some Zodiac Spark to your 2015 with a set of inspirational Zodiac greeting cards with original art work for the 12 zodiac signs.
12 Zodiac New Moon Greeting cards inspired by the powerful union of the Sun and Moon!  The cards are blank inside—great for any occasion to bring joy all year around—and on the back have the inspirational message for the Zodiac sign which represents the spirit of the image. They are a nice touch to add to any gift.
Venus and Mars are going to be in the romantic sign of Pisces in a mist of love, giving us the opportunity to splash around our love with our loved ones and friends.  They start their journey in January and embrace each other for the Valentine’s weekend in February 2015. 
From Mythology, Venus the goddess of Love desires Mars and both are transiting together on Valentine’s Day in 2015.  Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the Zodiac showing kindness and sympathy to others.  It makes the perfect moment to express our love…  with a Zodiac Lovers card.
Special offer from January through to Valentine’s Day 2015: $36.00 for the package of 12 cards plus special Valentine’s Day FREE Zodiac Lovers Card.

Astrología fin de semana 16 – 18 Enero 2015 > Entusiasmo con ganas de aprender y ver más allá del horizonte nos brinda la Luna en el aventurero signo de Sagitario desde la noche de hoy, viernes 16 hasta la noche del domingo 18 de Enero del 2015...

Sin embargo, las energías de la Luna nos beneficiarán para socializar y hacer algo diferente durante la noche del Sábado 17, cuando la Luna formará armonía con Urano en el emprendedor signo de Aries y con Venus que transita junto a Mercurio en el original signo de Acuario. Esta energia favorece un encuentro casual al aire libre con buenos amigos para poder disfrutar de una tertulia con la libertad de conversar y dar nuestro punto de vista acerca de un tema de mutuo interés. 

No podemos dejar pasar la oportunidad de hacer algo especial para olvidar las rutinas y que nos brinde alegría en la mañana del domingo 18 de Enero del 2015.  La Luna en Sagitario armoniza con Júpiter en Leo invitándonos a sentir nuestro espíritu despertando al niño que hay dentro de nosotros. Qué tal si con el hermoso verano que tenemos en Australia, nos vamos a la playa y nos divertimos desplazándonos por el agua en un Surf de Remo que está tan de moda! y si el clima no lo permite podemos deleitarnos con una obra de teatro…

Espero disfruten el fin de semana!

Y... por favour no olviden la promocion de comprar las 12 tarjetas del Zodiaco incluyendo la tarjeta para el dia de los enamorados incluyendo el envio por correo dentro de Australia
> visita el link

Sunday 11 January 2015

Astrology week January 12 – 16, 2015. Dialogue and exchange of ideas helps us to relate and to heal wounds...

The Sun continues its transit through the persevering Capricorn and is at an angle of 135 degrees (quincunx) with Jupiter in Leo. This aspect of mild tension suggests the need for adjustments to learn that the brightness we want in life is only achieved under the hard work. "Everything must be earned in this life".

Mercury, the planet associated with thought and communication, transits the original sign of Aquarius very near Venus, the planet of love, beauty and finance. The Moon in Libra and Mercury with Venus in Aquarius stimulates our mental activity and wishes to both do different things and do the same things differently. Words are the key to relating by favouring the connection between people under the exchange of ideas with an open mind to any opinion.

Mars, the planet that stimulates our passion and courage to make decisions, began its transit through the compassionate Pisces (January 12, 2015). Mars under this energy has imagination to conquer what is proposed, is sensitive to the feelings of others and exudes a peaceful energy to get what it wants.

In the afternoon of Wednesday 14 January 2015, when the Moon changes to the sign of Scorpio and forms harmony with Mars and Neptune in Pisces we should devote some time to engage deeply with the people we love. This is a power to heal emotional wounds and amend any situation that may have left some bitterness in us. It is a good time to forgive and let go of any guilt or anger in us ...

The Time Lord - Saturn - is passing by visionary Sagittarius challenging both Mars and Neptune offering the opportunity to change our beliefs and understand that reality depends on our perceptions ... Love heals all wounds and when we love there is nothing we can not forgive!

Add some Zodiac Spark to your 2015 with a set of inspirational Zodiac greeting cards with original art work for the 12 zodiac signs.
Original ArtWork Cecilia Lugo- Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015
12 Zodiac New Moon Greeting cards inspired by the powerful union of the Sun and Moon! The cards are blank inside—great for any occasion to bring joy all year around—and on the back have the inspirational message for the Zodiac sign which represents the spirit of the image. They are a nice touch to add to any gift.
Original ArtWork - Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Copyright 2014-2015
Venus and Mars are going to be in the romantic sign of Pisces in a mist of love, giving us the opportunity to splash around our love with our loved ones and friends. They start their journey in January and embrace each other for the Valentine weekend in February 2015.

From Mythology, Venus the goddess of Love desires Mars and both are transiting together on Valentine’s Day in 2015. Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the Zodiac showing kindness and sympathy to others. It makes the perfect moment to express our love… with a Zodiac Lover card.
Special offer from January through to Valentine’s Day 2015: AUD36.00 (free postage within Australia) for the package of 12 cards plus special Valentine’s Day FREE Zodiac Lovers Card.