Stellium Light

Thursday 5 October 2017

Full Moon in Aries illuminates Mars and Venus ’ Kiss to release what is not useful for us and craft our reality in relationships...

We are under the illumination of the Full Moon in the fiery sign of Aries inviting us to think of ourselves as individual beings. Its Full Light occurs at 5:40 am on October 6th, 2017 @ 13 degrees of the sign of Aires stimulating us to ask ourselves:

What do I really want for myself? Two weeks ago we planted our goals under the New Moon and now is the time for some of them. Always on a Full Moon we must release energy so that we can blossom our intentions… This time we need to release something related with the sign of Libra where the Sun is ... It's time to ask ourselves - How accommodating am I cutting off my OWN NEEDS to take action putting myself before anything or anyone to achieve what I really want?

It is time to balance the Aries-Libra Axis to feel good about ourselves in harmony with people we relate with. The Sign of Aries is ruled by Mars and the sign of Libra is ruled by Venus. MARS & VENUS finally kiss each other.  

Mars and Venus meet @ 19 deg Virgo -Oct 6 @ 3:23 am – just a couple of hours before the Full Moon.

MARS represents the physical action of going to get what we want, and VENUS represents the desire, the feeling towards what we want.  The union between the Zodiac Lovers in the sign of Virgo gives us the ability to be realistic and use our tools to improve in order to reach our goals. Here is the writer and educator Parker J. Palmer with his motivational phrase that I used in my 2017 Moon Calendar to connect with the Full Moon:
"Caring for oneself is never a selfish act; it is simply a good administration of the only gift I have, the gift that has been given me on earth to offer to others."

Pluto, the planet associated with transformation to overcome fear is challenging both luminaries (Sun and Moon) but supporting the eternal lovers (Mars and Venus). The friction generated by the  T-square in our sky formed by the luminaries in an angle of tension with Pluto invites us to make decisions to eliminate from our lives shadows or what is not useful in our lives .. Mars and Venus together and supported by Pluto invites us to use the logic carving our realities working with what it is useful to us.

Patience is the key to success with this new task that the Universe brings to us . Why?

The union of Mars and Venus is challenged by Saturn the planet associated with the consolidation of our objectives. Saturn in Sagittarius gives us the wisdom of fire from the embers to be able to see clearly how to channel our energies to be more efficient in our process to improve ourselves and our relationships.   Mercury in Libra reminds us how important communication is to negotiate our rights diplomatically without compromising the rights of those around us.

All this energy is just happening when Jupiter, the goddess of all goddesses from mythology, is ending its journey through this harmonious sign of Libra and it is opposing to Rebel-Uranus that is in Aries creating a strong tension for us to balance the energies of our relationship and our individuality… as the Sun and Moon are asking us the same during the October’s Full Moon  
We must keep positive in whatever we strive for at the moment keeping our confidence up to keep the fight for our cause! Blessings on Full Moon to everyone! Cecilia Live by the Sun and Love by the Moon ☀🌙 If you would like a personalised Astrology guidance please visit 

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