We farewell June and welcome July with tension between planets in Cancer facing Pluto in Capricorn, the planet of transformation…
"In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present". Francis Bacon
That is the reason for my painting in my Zodiac Inspirations Moon Calendar 2017 for July 2017
We need to calm our emotions and thoughts as the Zodiac Lovers (Mars and Venus are in different signs... getting a little bit of freedom...) "Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay" Dalai Lama
The weekend July 1-2, 2017 prepares us for next weekend July 8-9, 2017 when we will see what the Full Moon in Capricorn is about on Sunday 9th July …
Wise illumination close to Pluto, the transformer energy for us to release attachments and the need for control... Clarity to make a change… to make a decision.
But first Mars
Pluto will face each other this weekend for us to unmask something… Both are challenging Jupiter, the planet associated with the expansion of our knowledge. The way I see this weekend and next weekend is like when we are going to a destination(next weekend) but we have a stopover (this weekend).

If we have been doing superficial changes maybe we are going to feel the energy stronger than others… what we need to do this weekend is be silent to listen to our own shadow… as Carl Jung called it: our madness… to Understand our fears… look at our own secrets.
Pluto transforms our soul’s growth through painful experiences…

Mars is the warrior and represents our stamina that offers us the courage to face & confront; to take action.
At the same time
Chiron the planet associated with our wounds stops retrograde for us to be compassionate with ourselves and work with our inner self to evaluate what we are chasing and merge with that part of us that we don’t like from ourselves (our shadow) and integrate it.

August brings a message to release old patterns with a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. Mercury turns Retrograde after the Full Moon Eclipse for us to review ideas… and 1 week later a total Solar Eclipse in Leo occurs to make a change; we can choose how to paint our Happiness.
Sydney Locals - I am running this workshop Eclipses & Astrology August 2017 – A Turning Point! To book click this link: http://www.zodiacinspirationsaustralia.com.au/eclipses-ast…/
Jupiter 💫in Libra♎ is direct ⏩ we have the opportunity to relate with others to expand our myths so we grow but also we evolve our personal myths. ‼️ To expand our Relationships 💕💑👫 and improve our existing relationships!!! Look for my special to love I have made for you E-BOOK - your opportunity to build bridges instead of walls with Jupiter in Libra.
E-Book just $15 dollars http://www.zodiacinspirationsaustralia.com.au/e-book-packages/
Or If you prefer a PRINTED COPY send me an 📩 email to stelliumlight@gmail.com ($22 including the delivery to your address within Australia only).
Take care everyone & keep positive, holding on to the big picture - that it is the message from Jupiter…

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