Stellium Light

Tuesday 31 May 2016

New Moon Gemini – June 5th, 2016 and Astro-News June 2016

June 2016 begins under the harmony Mercury-Pluto. Mercury, the planet associated with the processes of thought and communication (ruler of the sign of Gemini and Virgo) in harmony with Pluto, the planet that is associated with our inner strength that comes from overcoming our fears. Their harmony helps us to work with the current Grand Cross of planets in mutable signs, signs with energy to find possibilities to adapt to change (Gemini & Sagittarius, and Virgo & Pisces)
The Sun + Venus in Gemini form an opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius asking for commitment when we relate to others; also there is a challenge between Saturn (our reality) and Neptune (our dreams) at the same time there is a tension (opposition) formed between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgoasking us to use our intuition to combine the practical and intangible worlds by the practice of healthy routines.

New Moon in Gemini - Be alert to your surrounding
Artwork by © Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
NEW MOON IN GEMINI - June 5, 2016 at 12:59 pm, Eastern Standard Time in AustraliaThe Sun & Moon join at 15 degrees of Gemini under the presence of Venus indicating the importance of love in response to any problem.
Venus with the Luminaries (Sun &Moon) indicates that we need to communicate with love so that our voice is heard.

Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini is in Taurus (one of the homes of Venus). And Venus in Gemini is in one of the homes of Mercury. Both planets understand and help each other for us to deliver our message with 

On Sunday after 1:00 pm we have a good opportunity to create our Moon Board Visualisation to plant our seeds to improve our communication:

  1. Listen carefully to the message from others when we communicate.
  2. Ask rather than assume when we want to clarify an idea.
  3. Recognise our mood to keep silent when we have nothing productive or positive to say. 
  4. Express ourselves in a clear and entertaining way which invites constructive conversation.
  5. Also include intentions that allow you to cultivate curiosity, reading and humour.
The Universe gives us the chance to organise and participate in social activities and, interact with our community to catch up with what is happening around us. To invite our brothers and neighbours to enjoy a cosy conversation; start a course to update or develop some knowledge and some skills; calm our mind from everyday stress reading a book of interest. Enjoy humourous theatre or cinema; but above all, organise our thoughts, ideas and communicate with LOVE.

Mars re-entered into Scorpio (retrograde) last Friday May 27, 2016 until June 30, 2016 connecting us with our passions. Mars in one of its homes (Scorpio sign) has power and being close to our planet offers us the opportunity to stop the excuses and reflect on what we love to do… to re-direct our actions from July 1, 2016; when Mars will return to direct course.

For Sydney people, Christine Chrystal’s and I are running a workshop on June 5, 2016 to learn about Mars & Pluto and, their current transit in retrograde. 

When: Sunday June 5th, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Where: Christine's Crystals & Angels
Shop 4 /35 Monaro St, Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA

Please note that when you reserve your workshop spot please provide your birth details (date, place and time of birth) for a birth chart snapshot to make the most of the workshop and personalise your experience on the day.

Note: Rx : retrograde motion = is an astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where a planet appears to move backwards or rotate reverse relative to how the Earth is moving. Astrology explains the event as an opportunity to review and adjust according to the energy the planet generated.

For more information click this link 

Please contact Christine to book on 02 96748808 / 0416 132 751 or E Mail

© 2016 - All rights reserved -Cecilia Lugo- Anderson

I have created this close group 
"over the Moon Moments" - StelliumLight 
for women to follow the Moon daily 
and inspire ourselves with inspirational quotes
positive thoughts & stories, Astro-News, 
Astrology articles and ... articles of women's interest!!!

Luna Nueva Géminis – 5 Junio 2016 + Astrología Junio 2016

Comienza el mes de Junio 2016, con Mercurio, el planeta asociado con los procesos de pensamiento y comunicación (regente del signo de Géminis y de Virgo) en armonía con Plutón, el planeta que se asocia con nuestra fuerza interna que se obtiene al vencer nuestros miedos.  Su armonía nos ayuda a trabajar con la Cruz de Planetas en signos mutables que se encuentra en nuestro Universo, es decir signos con energia para encontrar posibilidades de adaptación al cambio.

El Sol y Venus en Géminis forman una oposición con Saturno en Sagitario pidiéndonos compromiso al relacionarnos; el desafío entre Saturno (nuestra realidad) y Neptuno (nuestros sueños) que al mismo tiempo se encuentran en tensión con Júpiter (nuestras creencias)… El Universo nos pide ser responsables, con confianza  en nosotros mismos alineados con nuestros ideales. 

LUNA NUEVA EN GEMINIS - 05 Junio 2016 a las 12:59pm hora estándar del Este de Australia. 
El Sol y la Luna se unen en presencia de Venus indicando la importancia del amor como respuesta a cualquier problema.

Venus en unión de los Luminarios indica que debemos comunicarnos con amor para que se escuche nuestra voz. Mercurio, el planeta regente de Géminis se encuentra en Tauro (uno de los hogares de Venus) y Venus se encuentra en Geminis (uno de los hogares de Mercurio). Ambos planetas se entienden y se dan la mano para ayudarnos a transmitir nuestro mensaje con amor.

El domingo después de la 1:00pm tenemos una buena oportunidad para crear nuestra visualización de este nuevo ciclo emocional bajo la Luna Nueva de Géminis. En una cartulina con marcadores de colores y fotografías que A continuación les ofrezco una guía para crear su visualización:

1.- Escuchar detenidamente el mensaje del otro cuando nos comunicamos.
2.- Preguntar en vez de asumir cuando queremos aclarar una idea.
3.- Reconocer nuestro estado de ánimo para guardar silencio cuando no tenemos nada productivo o positivo que decir. 4.- Expresarnos en forma clara y amena invita a la conversación constructiva. 
También, incluye intenciones que te permitan cultivar la curiosidad, la lectura y el humor.

El Universo nos presenta el chance de organizar o participar en actividades sociales y, relacionarnos con nuestra comunidad para ponernos al día con lo que acontece a nuestro alrededor. Invitar a nuestros hermanos y vecinos para disfrutar de una agradable tertulia; comenzar un curso para actualizar algún conocimiento o desarrollar alguna habilidad y; calmar nuestra mente del estrés cotidiano leyendo un libro de nuestro interés. Disfrutar con  humor del teatro o el cine; pero por sobre todo, organizar nuestros pensamientos, ideas y comunicarnos con AMOR.

Feliz Luna Nuevade Junio 2016!!!
© 2016 Cecilia Lugo- Anderson - astrólogo, escritor y artista. El cambio constante de la Luna ha sido la inspiración para el 2016 Calendario Lunar, escrito e ilustrado con arte original de mi propia inspiración en el Zodíaco.  Si deseas orientación astrológica envíame un email para concertar una entrevista

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Astrology Week May 24 – 29, 2016. Mercury direct in Taurus gets support from Jupiter in Virgo to work with our plans; Venus in Gemini stimulates us to communicate our feelings + Moon in Aquarius on the weekend May 27-28, 2016 harmonises with Sun & Venus in Gemini & Mars in Sagittarius offering us a good day for socialising... on May 27, 2016 Mars re-enters into Scorpio for us to connect with our passions!!!

This week Mercury in Taurus and direct in our sky makes a harmony angle with Jupiter in Virgo allowing us to gradually organise our ideas and begin to see what has changed in the plans we had before Mercury started a retrograde period on April 29, 2016 and, now May 24, 2016 that Mercury is direct, we can weave our plans and carry out our goals. 

Both planets (Mercury and Jupiter) are in harmony with Pluto in Capricorn still asking us to drop what is not useful to us and make way for what is reborn ... Let's get to work on ourselves! at our own speed now that Mercury and Jupiter are supporting each other helping us to move forward if we decide to do so! 

On Tuesday May 24, 2016 @ 3:33 pm the Moon changes to Capricorn helping us emotionally to know how to start this process… 

Venus changes to Gemini on May 25, 2016 and Venus will be communicating from Gemini until June 18, 2016 encouraging us to want to express our feelings in words ... Love equals communication. To keep alive the flame of our relations with the energy of Venus, the Greek goddess of love, creativity and finances on its journey through the sign of Gemini, we must play with humour, surprise and intellectual creativity.

As soon as Venus moves to Gemini opposes to Mars in Sagittarius... It may stimulate anger when we cannot get our way... Learning to compromise with between May 25-29,2016  is a good way to balance the lovers energy. BE AWARE that with Mars close to earth (Rx) in relationships we tend to go over pending issues... that one of the couple is avoiding it... and now we probably go back over situations (either in our mind or in reality)..The best way always is to negotiate!!! 

On Friday May 27, 2016, we will be intellectually activated with the Sun and Venus in Gemini traveling hand in hand in our sky opposite Mars in Sagittarius stimulating our thirst for knowledge, information and the need for sharing...

Also on Friday May 27, 2016 - The Moon changes to Aquarius @ 12:26 am and starts to harmonise with the duo (Sun and Venus in Gemini) and also with Mars in Sagittarius offering us a good day for socialising with friends and catching up with what is happening around us.

The Moon will continue in the innovative Aquarius all day Saturday May 28, 2016 favoring doing something different ... if the day is sunny we should invite relatives and friends for a picnic in a beautiful park to inspire ourselves with outdoors activities at the same time as we share our ideas… 

Mars in retrograde motion is facing the Sun this week for us to question ourselves if we are living our lives in agreement with our soul’s desire…The Worrier Mars close to earth re-travelling the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio only wants that we find our deepest truth… 

Mars re-enters into Scorpio (retrograde) very late on Friday May 27, 2016 until June 30, 2016 connecting us with our passions. Mars in one of its homes (Scorpio sign) has power and being close to our planet offers us the opportunity to stop the excuses and reflect on what we love to do… to re-direct our actions from July 1, 2016; when Mars will return to direct course.

The astrological aspects in our universe this week are recalling the words of Charles Dickens: “My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time”. 
For Sydney people, Christine Chrystal’s and I are running a workshop on June 5, 2016 to learn about Mars & Pluto and, their current transit in retrograde. 

When: Sunday June 5th, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Where: Christine's Crystals & Angels
Shop 4 /35 Monaro St, Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA

Please note that when you reserve your workshop spot please provide your birth details (date, place and time of birth) for a birth chart snapshot to make the most of the workshop and personalise your experience on the day.

Note: Rx : retrograde motion = is an astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where a planet appears to move backwards or rotate reverse relative to how the Earth is moving. Astrology explains the event as an opportunity to review and adjust according to the energy the planet generated.

For more information click this link

Please contact Christine to book on 02 96748808 / 0416 132 751 or E Mail

© 2016 - All rights reserved -Cecilia Lugo- Anderson

I have created this close group 
"over the Moon Moments" - StelliumLight 
for women to follow the Moon daily 
and inspire ourselves with inspirational quotes
positive thoughts & stories, Astro-News, 
Astrology articles and ... articles of women's interest!!!

Astrología Semana 24 - 29 mayo, 2016. Mercurio en Tauro particular recibe el apoyo de Júpiter en Virgo a trabajar con nuestros planes; Venus en Géminis nos estimula en comunicar nuestros sentimientos + Luna en Acuario en fin de semana 27-28 May 2016 armoniza con el Sol y Venus en Géminis y Marte en Sagitario nos ofrece un buen día para hacer vida social ... a continuación, vuelve a entrar en Marte en Escorpio para conectarnos con nuestras pasiones !!!

Mercurio en Tauro ya directo en nuestro cielo armoniza con Júpiter en Virgo permitiéndonos poco a poco organizar nuestras ideas y comenzar a ver qué ha cambiado en los planes que teníamos antes de que comenzara Mercurio su periodo retrogrado el 29 de Abril y, ahora que se encuentra directo; entrelazarlos y llevar a cabo nuestras metas…Ambos planetas (Mercurio y Júpiter) se encuentran en armonía con Plutón en Capricornio que aún nos pide soltar aquello que no nos es útil y abrir paso a lo que renace… ¡Pongamos manos en la obra! Trabajemos en nosotros mismos a nuestro propio ritmo ahora que Mercurio y Júpiter en movimiento directo se apoyan en nuestro cielo emanando energia para materializar lo que nos planteemos!

Venus cambia a Géminis el 25 de Mayo, 2016 and Venus estará comunicando desde Géminis hasta el 18 de Junio 2016 estimulándonos en querer expresar nuestros sentimientos con palabras… Amor es igual a comunicación. Para mantener viva la llama con nuestras relaciones bajo la energía de la diosa griega del amor, creatividad y finanzas de la mitología en su viaje por el signo de Géminis, debemos jugar con el humor, las sorpresas y la creatividad intelectual. Venus en Géminis nos recuerda la frase de Albert Einstein “No tengo ningún talento especial, solo soy apasionadamente curioso”.

El viernes 27 de Mayo 2016, estaremos intelectualmente activados con el Sol y Venus en Géminis viajando de la mano en nuestro cielo enfrente de Marte en Sagitario estimulando nuestra sed por conocimiento, información y la necesidad por compartir...

La Luna se encuentra 
en Acuario armonizando
 tanto con el dúo (Sol y Venus) como con Marte ofreciéndonos una noche para socializar con amigos y ponernos al día con lo que acontece
 a nuestro alrededor.

La Luna continuará en el innovador signo de Acuario todo el sábado favoreciendo hacer algo diferente…
si el día se encuentra soleado 
tendríamos la oportunidad de invitar a familiares
 y amigos a un picnic en un parque
 que no conozcamos para inspirarnos 
y compartir nuestras ideas…

Marte regresa a Escorpio (movimiento retrógrado) este sábado 28 de Mayo 2016 hasta el 30 de Junio 2016 conectándonos con nuestras pasiones. Marte en uno de sus hogares (signo Escorpio) tiene fuerza y, al estar cerca a nuestro planeta nos ofrece la oportunidad de dejar las escusas y reflexionar en lo que nos apasiona para re-dirigir nuestras acciones a partir del 1 de Julio 2016 cuando volverá a su curso directo.

Ambos aspectos astrológicos en nuestro universo nos están recordando las palabras de Charles Dickens:
“Mi consejo es, nunca dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy. La Demorara (procrastinar) es la ladrona del Tiempo”.

Nuevamente los hilos del Universo nos demuestran la simbología con la que trabajan los planetas… El domingo la Luna cambia al signo de Piscis a las 7:05 am y desafía al Sol para que analicemos las metas que alcanzamos y las que no durante este ciclo Lunar… Para volver a sembrar el Domingo 5 de Junio 2016 bajo la energía de la Luna Nueva en Géminis.

Feliz fin de semana.
© 2016 Cecilia Lugo- Anderson - astrólogo, escritor y artista. El cambio constante de la Luna ha sido la inspiración para el 2016 Calendario Lunar, escrito e ilustrado con arte original de mi propia inspiración en el Zodíaco.  Si deseas orientación astrológica envíame un email para concertar una entrevista

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Astrology Week 17 to 22 May 2016. Mercury takes strength and we should take care of our thoughts and words. In our sky there is tension for us to focus energy on ourselves to improve working with our dreams, visions and reality + First Full Moon in Sagittarius of two in 2016 to balance the information we receive and the interpretation we give to it…

In our Universe there is a "T" Square formed between planets transiting for signs with mutable quality: Jupiter at 13 degrees of Virgo opposite (is in front of) Neptune at 11 degrees of Pisces (tension that requires a balance of energies). Each of them is challenging Saturn at 14 degrees of Sagittarius (energy that requires integration). They are reminding us that we must balance our visions and dreams adapting them to our reality and our ability to achieve them.

Harry Palmer has a quote that represents accurately what I think this planetary energy message is:

"When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgment you make is self-judgement, that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an unconditional love that will be the light of the world.

Likewise we must be very careful with our words and our thoughts not only when we communicate with others but also with ourselves because Mercury in Taurus is in its last days in retrograde motion. By this I mean that its energy takes strength from its proximity to our planet - Mercury returns to direct motion on the night of Sunday 22 May 2016. Let us be gentle in the way we express ourselves.

The Intense Scorpio Moon in Gibbous phase begins on Thursday May 19, 2016 at 4:31 pm inviting us to create strong bonds with the people we love. Under the passionate energy of the Moon in Scorpio the Sun will begin its transit through the sign of the twins "Gemini" - May 21 at 12:38 am

Happy birthday to all persons born between May 21 and June 20!!! The sign of Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, it's dynamism is mutable, ie has the capacity to adapt to changes and circumstances and it is classified in the group of signs with air element. THE TWINS, Castor and Pollux from the Greek Mythology, is its symbol and,
 its key word is I THINK.

The ruling planet is Mercury - Latin Mercurius, who was considered the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology and in Greek mythology it was Hermes, who considered the pattern of trade, finance, eloquence and is the god of travellers.

Its positive energy is associated with versatility, adaptability, ingenuity, vivacity, insight, speed of perception, agile and brilliant intelligence, deductive reasoning and flexibility. Gemini symbolises the concrete consciousness; it is the universe of the mind that is related to the world of form.

Just then the Sun changes to Gemini and it faces the MoonFULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS on Sunday May 22 at 7:15 am, illumination for us to laugh as the Kookaburra does (an Aussie bird) to find joy connecting to our freedom transcending beyond rationalism. This is the first full moon in Sagittarius which will happen in 2016 ... It emphasises the polarity of the information we receive and interpret. Have a great week!!!

© 2016 - All rights reserved -Cecilia Lugo- Anderson

I have created this close group 
"over the Moon Moments" - StelliumLight 
for women to follow the Moon daily 
and inspire ourselves with inspirational quotes
positive thoughts & stories, Astro-News, 
Astrology articles and ... articles of women's interest!!!

WORKSHOP JUNE 5th, 2016 - Hosted by Christine’s Crystals & Angels, in Seven Hills Sydney, Australia 

When: Sunday June 5th, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Where: Christine's Crystals & Angels
Shop 4 /35 Monaro St, Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
Cost $80. A $25 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place.
Please call Christine TO SECURE YOUR PLACE E Mail

Mars, co-ruler of the sign of Scorpio, re-enters in Scorpio on May 27, 2016. It will be in an apparent slow motion (Retrograde) due to its closeness to our planet in Scorpio until the end of June. But it will dive deep in Scorpio until August 3rd, 2016.

Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio in Modern Astrology, also is retrograde but until September 2016 and in . the disciplined sign of Capricorn asking us to make a “check-up” in order to eliminate those things which are not useful anymore.

Both rulers of Scorpio are inviting us to get deep into ourselves to follow our own passions and be in charge of our own power!!!

Come along under the New Moon in Gemini on June 5th 2016 , to our insightful workshop to learn about Mars and Pluto and to look at the area of your life Scorpio /Capricorn represents in your birth chart to channel your actions following your higher purpose and connecting with your own truth. Calm your energies with Christine’s unique crystal bowl meditation, plus be delighted with a delicious and relaxing Teapot Tea.

Astrología Semana 17-22 Mayo 2016. Mercurio toma fuerza y debemos cuidar nuestros pensamientos y palabras. En el cielo hay tensión para que concentremos nuestra energía en nosotros mismos y así mejorar trabajando con nuestros sueños, visiones y realidad. Primera Luna Llena en Sagitario de dos que tendremos en 2016

En nuestro Universo se encuentra una “T” Cuadrada  o también llamada Cuadratura en “T” formada entre planetas transitando por signos con cualidad mutable: Júpiter a 13 grados de Virgo enfrente (oposición – aspecto de tensión) de Neptuno a 11 grados de Piscis. Cada uno de ellos está desafiando a Saturno a 14 grados de Sagitario.  Recordándonos que debemos balancear nuestras visiones e ilusiones adaptándolas con nuestra realidad y nuestras posibilidades para alcanzarlos.  

Harry palmer tiene una frase que yo encuentro muy certera para explicar esta relación en nuestro cielo:

“Cuando adoptas el punto de vista de que cualquier crítica que haces es una auto-crítica, que cualquier juicio que haces es un auto-juicio, desarrollas sabiamente en ti mismo a un amor incondicional que será la luz del mundo”.

Así mismo debemos tener mucho cuidado con nuestras palabras y nuestros pensamientos no solo cuando nos comunicamos con otros sino tambien con nosotros mismo porque Mercurio en Tauro se encuentra en su últimos días con movimiento retrógrado. Es deicr su energía toma fuerza por su cercanía a nuestro planeta -  Mercurio regresa a movimiento directo en la noche del Domingo 22 de Mayo del 2016.  Seamos gentiles en la forma de expresarnos.

La Luna intensa de Escorpio en fase Gibosa comienza el Jueves 19 de Mayo 2016 a las 4:31 pm invitándonos a crear fuerte lazos con los seres que amamos. Recordemos las Palabras del místico orador y maestro espiritual de la India llamado Osho, acerca del amor: “si amas una flor, no la recojas, déjala ser. El amor no se trata de posesión sino de apreciación “. Bajo la energía de la apasionada Luna en Escorpio el Sol comenzará su tránsito por el signo de los gemelos “Géminis” – 21 Mayo a las 12:38 am

Feliz cumpleaños a todas las personas nacidas entre el 21 de Mayo y el 20 de Junio.!!! El signo de Géminis es el tercer signo del Zodíaco, su dinamismo es mutable, es decir tiene capacidad para adaptarse a los cambios y las circunstancias y, está clasificado dentro del grupo de signos bajo el elemento aire.  El símbolo que lo representa son los gemelos, Cástor y Pólux dela Mitología Griega. La palabra clave es YO PIENSO.

El planeta regente es Mercurio – en Latín Mercurius, quien fuera considerado el mensajero de los dioses en la Mitología Romana y en la Mitología Griega era Hermes , quienes lo consideraban el patrón del comercio, las finanzas, la elocuencia y el dios de los viajeros.

Su energía positiva se asocia con la versatilidad, la adaptabilidad, el ingenio, la vivacidad, la perspicacia, la rapidez de percepción, la inteligencia ágil y brillante, el razonamiento deductivo y la flexibilidad. Géminis simboliza la conciencia concreta; es el universo de la mente que trata de relacionarse con el mundo de la forma.

Apenas cambia el Sol a Géminis se enfrenta con la Luna Llena en Sagitario el domingo 22 de Mayo a las 7:15 am iluminándonos para que disfrutemos como el pájaro australiano “Kookaburra”  y enlazar la alegría con la libertad que va más allá del pensamiento. Esta es la primera Luna Llena en Sagitario que ocurrirá en el 2016… Se enfatiza la polaridad de la información que recibimos y la interpretación que le otorgamos. Feliz fin de semana!!!

© Cecilia Lugo-Anderson. 2016 Calendario Lunar

  Cecilia Lugo- Anderson – astrólogo y orientador, escritor y artísta.  El cambio constante de la Luna ha sido la inspiración para el 2016 Calendario Lunar, escrito e ilustrado con arte original de mi propia inspiración en el Zodíaco.  Si deseas orientación astrológica envíame un email a

Thursday 12 May 2016

Astrology Week May 9-15, 2016!! We are under the Venus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces harmony that fuels our desires through seduction…

To create a dream … we need to be seduced by the desire to have something… and on Tuesday May 10, 2016 – the Moon moves to the sensitive sign of Cancer and is in Crescent Phase … when the Sun and Mercury join in Taurus… and we can grab a firmed up idea!!! Plus Jupiter stations direct (changes to direct motion) for us to perform with confidence!!!

May 10 – 11, 2016 - The Moon in Cancer hoses (like a gardener hoses their plants) the Earthy Sun in Taurus to nurture intentions and goals. It is interesting that the Moon in Cancer is a subjective energy and Mercury with the Sun together irradiates a subjective energy. For me the Universe says that we need to work internally with what we feel is good for ourselves.

Mercury, the planet associated with our mind, never travels apart of the Sun more than 28 degrees. Therefore most people have Sun and Mercury in the same sign (or in the previous / following sign of the Star Sign when they were born). But people who have the Sun & Mercury together have strong communication skills with the weakness of only counting their opinions…

Mercury is also associated with the voice and the sign of Taurus is related with the throat and vocal cords…  Mercury & Sun in Taurus have the blessing for many singers to have a beautiful voice. One of them is Stevie wonder… (Born 13 May 1950). I love his song “I just call to say I love you”.

The Moon in Leo May 13 & 14, 2016 invites us for Romance and Venus (love) in harmony with Pluto (Passions) offers us a good time for Deep Love!!

Be aware that on Saturday May 14, 2016 @ 3:02 am – we have the first quarter Moon in Leo for us to unleash our plan of action and start to manifest our intentions!!!

Buddha said something I completely in agreement: " We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts". With our thoughts, we make the world" If we are picky about our thoughts it is difficult to obtain success… But if we are generous with our ideas we will attract prosperity on our way! Take advantage to detox our mind from negative thoughts under the energy of the Moon in Virgo from the afternoon (May3:51 pm) 14 to 15, 2016.

Have a great week 
if you have a chance enjoy
the beautiful song of Stevie Wonder 
I just called to say I love you – Stevie Wonder

© 2016 - All rights reserved -Cecilia Lugo- Anderson

I have created this close group 
"over the Moon Moments" - StelliumLight 
for women to follow the Moon daily 
and inspire ourselves with inspirational quotes
positive thoughts & stories, Astro-News, 
Astrology articles and ... articles of women's interest!!!

WORKSHOP JUNE 5th, 2016 - Hosted by Christine’s Crystals & Angels, in Seven Hills Sydney, Australia 

When: Sunday June 5th, 2016 

Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Where: Christine's Crystals & Angels

Shop 4 /35 Monaro St, Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA

Cost $80. A $25 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place. 
Please call Christine TO SECURE YOUR PLACE 
E Mail

Mars, co-ruler of the sign of Scorpio, re-enters in Scorpio on May 27, 2016. It will be in an apparent slow motion (Retrograde) due to its closeness to our planet in Scorpio until the end of June. But it will dive deep in Scorpio until August 3rd, 2016.

Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio in Modern Astrology, also is retrograde but until September 2016 and in the disciplined sign of Capricorn asking us to make a “check-up” in order to eliminate those things which are not useful anymore.

Both rulers of Scorpio are inviting us to get deep into ourselves to follow our own passions and be in charge of our own power!!!

Come along under the New Moon in Gemini on June 5th 2016 , to our insightful workshop to learn about Mars and Pluto and to look at the area of your life Scorpio /Capricorn represents in your birth chart to channel your actions following your higher purpose and connecting with your own truth.  Calm your energies with Christine’s unique crystal bowl meditation, plus be delighted with a delicious and relaxing Teapot Tea.