Moon-Pluto Emotions go up under this energy. It is better to be surrounded by friends or people who understand our emotional waves… Today Nov 18, 2016 is a good day to sit and enjoy the silence when you have a chance
Even a relaxing picture will unleash your imagination and calm your emotions… Venus in Capricorn is starting to form a soft harmony with Neptune in Pisces offering us an opportunity to express ourselves.
I am going to take this opportunity and present my painting for the month of January 2017 from my Moon Calendar 2017. This is a bite of the inspiration you can embrace every month in 2017 to plan your days and take the opportunities the Universe present to you (this is the 3rd edition of my Moon Calendar).
The Moon Calendar can be personalised aligning the Moon travelling through our sky and your birth chart (time, date and place of birth) to know our BEST PERSONAL DATES to nurture your emotions, and for romance & business.
It is tailored for times in Australia indicating the date & time the Moon shifts Zodiac Signs, Lunar Phases, Solar & Lunar Eclipses and slow periods to review your projects in 2017. It’s printed locally too!
I can personalise it for you
- Special Promo: I will personalise it for $60 and Free Shipping within Australia send me an email with your birth details to or
- You can attend one of my workshops!!! I am running 2 workshops next weekend Nov 26 &27 and I will hold a shorter one on the evening of December 15. Send me an email to and I will reply to you with the details.
Here is feedback from a good friend who bought her personalised calendar this week & received it yesterday by post
"It is So comprehensive with great info and your lovely quotes and insights! It's amazing Cecilia! 

Thank you so much!" 

Have a beautiful day
Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
I have created a group for woman
"Over the Moon Moments Group
to follow the Moon and planetary energies
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