Stellium Light

Friday, 30 December 2016

NYE Astrology vibes to receive 2017 !!! Happy New Year 2017!!!

Zodiac Inspired Vibes for mid-night tonight NYE!!! December 31st, 2016 and January 1st, 2017

Innovation & a clear head with the ability to go to the past to review thoughts will lead to the future without losing the sight of managing time and objectives = STELLIUM of Planets in CAPRICORN (SUN + Mercury Rx & Pluto + the WAXING CRESCENT MOON IN AQUARIUS). 

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.

Carl Sandburg – was born with a stellium of planets in Capricorn and the Non-conformist Moon of Aquarius.

FLEXIBILITY, OBSERVATION AND ANALYSIS  REVIEWING AND REVISING OUR STEPS TO BE SUCCESSFUL  ARE THE KEYS TO APPROACH OUR 2017 - In Sydney the Ascendant is @ 24 degrees Virgo & Mid-heaven at 26 Gemini = both angles are in mutable signs ruled by Mercury, the Planet of Mind and Voice. Mercury is Retrograde in Capricorn.

TAKE ACTION TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE is the message from Mars and Neptune together supporting the Sun in Capricorn!!! But also we need to FIND OUR INNER SPIRITUAL WARRIOR 
 with Mars & Neptune
 in company with the South Node 
of the Moon in Pisces.

Be REALISTIC with your Goals, DON’T OVER-EXTEND and BE TOLERANT with the need for FREEDOM IN RELATIONSHIPS being the Message from Jupiter in Libra facing Uranus in Aries and both planets supported by Saturn in Sagittarius.

And VENUS IN AQUARIUS in harmony with all of them (Jupiter, Uranus & Saturn + Midheaven) reminds us authenticity, experimentation and exchange of ideas with humour are the key in Relationships!!! 
Love and attract what we want in an unexpected, original and surprising way… Respecting our independence and our space as well as of the rest of the humanity!

PLUS check this out, from numerology:  2017 = 2+0+1+7=10 = and 10 is 1+0 = 1, that is a No. 1 VIBRATION!!! …the start of a new 9 year cycle.  I found this information in my old notes of numerology about No. 1 Vibration in Chinese Numerology in the Sung Dynasty (AD 1101 – 1125), when numbers were linked to the parts of the body of a tortoise. The tail of the tortoise was represented by the Number One. This has a deep significance because unless the tortoise stands on all four feet, which provide his balance, his tail drags in the mud…

…and wear something blue!   “Something blue” stands for purity, love, and fidelity… just like our Universe, our Sea and our Sky.

Have a Happy New Year 2017!!!

❤ The MOON 🌙represents how our soul feels

The M ❤N during its journey through the zodiac in our sky 🌌makes aspects in your birth chart monthly… allowing you to be aware of who you are, what is happening to you and how to work with your potential through your emotions.

This year the Moon Calendar 2017 ☀️ 🌙goes beyond the Moon with 12 original artworks to follow the dance between Mars and Venus under the Moon light every month to warm your relationships. New Features: Romantic quotes and best romance days + best weekends monthly for you to love in 2017.

Start 2017 on the right foot with ZodiacInspirationsAustralia Moon Calendar 2017 taking the opportunities the Universe brings to you

To purchase your #MoonCalendar2017

To order it personalised please send an email to 
Happy New Year 2017 © Cecilia Lugo- Anderson

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Uranus Direct - Awareness to develop an idea - Dec 29 2016 - Aug 3, 2017

Uranus stationed direct yesterday after the Moon (emotions) and the Sun (motivation) met in Capricorn = New Moon, in company with Mercury in retrograde (the planet associated with the mind, time for review), showing that after we have reviewed our actions in the past we can change our ‘modus operandi’ to make change in the future.

This quote expresses clearly what this energy means:

“Creativity, as has been said, consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know. Hence, to think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.”
– George Kneller

Due to the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus now both in direct motion, I recommend to go back to June 2010 – Jan 2011 to find clues of what is the MAIN IDEA that Uranus brings for us to develop after the chaos that we may have lived since July 30, 2016 when Uranus started its retrograde period.
Yesterday I started this process with other of going back in time (Mercury in Retrograde) not only to review achievements of the year of 2016 but also to check what happened between 2010 – 2011 when Jupiter and Uranus joined and what is the message for now given that they are facing each other. What idea needs to be developed now in order to blossom what had started at that time (2010-2011).

What are the conversations in our sky between Uranus (the energy of awakening) with other planets in its change of motion:

    • · Uranus is forming harmony with Saturn (Wisdom) in Sagittarius         (questioner)
    • · Uranus is  harmonising with Venus (Creativity) in Aquarius (innovation),
    •  · Uranus is facing Jupiter (Beliefs) in Libra(relationships) and

    • ·  Uranus is challenged by Pluto (transformation) in Capricorn (self-discipline).
If you would like to check an example 
please join 
Over the Moon Moments Group 

Moon Calendar 2017 shows when each planet goes retrograde and when it goes direct highlighted with key words to channel the energy for self-development. 
Check it out to order send an email to

Thursday, 8 December 2016

astrology weekend December 9 - 11 2016 - we have a great weekend to do outdoors activities!!! Sports are highlighted. However, respect for independence is essential to have a wonderful weekend!

Venus began its transit through the original sign of Aquarius where it will remain until January 2nd , 2017. The Universe gives us about a month to enjoy beauty, Love and attract what we want in an unexpected, original and surprising  way…

Venus exploring this territory suggests that we give space to people around us, which will allow us to have time to think and then share the experience. 

What a great time to enjoy the summer by laughing with friends at a picnic, days at the beach and releasing worries and enjoying the beauty of life.

But not only that... Venus in Aquarius gives us the opportunity to brake up with habits in our relationships. We have a good opportunity to put salt and pepper in our relationships and socialise enjoying the experimentation and the exchange of ideas while Venus is in Aquarius!!!

With Venus in Aquarius and Moon in Aries Dec 9 & 10 we have a great weekend to do outdoors activities!!! Sports are highlighted. However, respect for independence is essential to have a wonderful weekend!

The Moon changes to Taurus on Saturday Dec 10th, 2016 at 11:40 pm to give us a peaceful Sunday to enjoy the pleasures of live... Energy that combined with Mercury in earthy Capricorn allows us to put order in our lives integrating emotions and mind!!! 

We also have this weekend 
  • Discipline ourselves to achieve something important to us
  • Expand our knowledge with realistic wisdom!

Harmonious angles are formed between: Sun with Jupiter and Sun with Uranus (this is only for the rest of the week) and Uranus with Mars, and Mars with Jupiter (Mars moves to Pisces on Dec 20). 

If we can, deal with things with
 freedom and a unique way to see things…

Why? There are good harmonious aspects between planets in air & fire signs within a tension that forces us 
to do something…

But also the harmony between 
Jupiter with Saturn & Saturn with Uranus 
within the tension (opposition) formed 
between the planet of good luck (Jupiter) in Libra, 
the sign of relationships
 and the awakener (Uranus) in the sign of Aries, 
ndividualistic energy 
will be for a while next year 2017.

So Balance the independence in relationships to move forward and auto discipline ourselves without forcing others to believe on our goals or philosophies!

Think of the trapeze artist on the high wire. Be realistic and tolerant and don’t over extend yourself. This is a theme that will continue until January…make it habit as it will be with us for a while.

*** The Moon Calendar 2017 opens with a message like this each month. Plus guidance to work with the Moon and engaging with the zodiac lovers to warm your relationships****

The M💗💗N represents how our soul feels ❤The Moon in its journey through the zodiac in our sky 🌌makes aspects in your birth chart monthly… allowing you to be aware of who you are, what is happening to you and how to work with your potential through your emotions. Do you know your Moon Sign ♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ or what Moon Phase 🌑🌓🌔🌕was in the sky when you were born? 💗With the purchase of the Moon Calendar 2017 Personalised for just $60 dollars you get
  • Birth Chart snapshot (planetary photo of the planets in our sky when you were born
  • A nice message from your Moon Sign & Moon Phase
  • Moon Calendar showing your best dates to nurture your emotions, a romantic date and business deals monthly
  • Free Shipping to any city in Australia

*💗💗 Live in Sydney? Come along with a friend 👫 to "Master 2017 with Astrology" on December 15 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Awareness Institute (Suite 1/20 Clarke St, Crows Nest, New South Wales, Australia 2065)

We will take a short trip through the zodiac with Venus & hear about the highlights of the planetary energies in 2017, MEET the Moon Calendar for 2017 and work through an example of how to personalise a calendar month (Special offer $50 each includes the calendar and the personalisation kit) 🎆To enrol please …
email Cecilia at
provide your time, date and place of birth at enrolment
See you there! Cecilia

Monday, 28 November 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius - November 29, 2016 Australia Eastern Summer Time

New Moon in Sagittarius Nov 29, 2016 at 11:28 pm Australia Easter Summer Times.

Sun & Moon join @ 8 degrees of Sagittarius giving us the chance to travel to the future using our past experience.

The New moon will be challenged by the Nodal Axis – The Moon’ s South Node (past experience) @ 8 degrees of Pisces with in company of Neptune the planet of the dreams in opposition with the North Node of the Moon @ 8 degrees of Virgo, represents the new experiences we need to craft in order to grow our spirituality.

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius is in Libra inviting us to share our adventures and learn in the company another. Venus & Pluto in Capricorn are challenging Jupiter for us to integrate discipline with cooperation in order to expand & grow.

The New Moon (Intentions) and Saturn (Wisdom) plus Mercury (Thinking) are all in Sagittarius suggesting that we need to question ourselves to know what is right for us.

Opportunity to connect with our intuition in stillness and visualise what we need to learn in order to see things from another angle… We all have some beliefs that come from others… that may have been passed on to us by our culture … But are they your own beliefs? Are they myths??? And we have been following them unconsciously… “Love what you do. Get good at it. Competence is a rare commodity in this day and age. And let the chips fall where they may”. American Commentator Jon Stewart was born under a New Moon in Sagittarius on November 28, 1962 © Cecilia Lugo-Anderson

If you like this analysis you can have it for every Moon phase in 2017 in a beautiful & originally designed & written calendar. I have created an insightful Moon Calendar 2017 to align yourself with the guidance that the Moon through the Zodiac and its phases offers to us for growth.
Moon Calendar 2017 
Personalised for you based on your birth chart 
(Snapshot of the Planetary energies at the time, 
date and place of your Birth) 
for just $60 – 
Free Shipping to any city in Australia
12 months guidance for just 
$60 and personalised for just for you!!!
SYDNEY PeopleI am presenting the Moon Calendar 2017 on 15 Dec 2016 @ 6.30pm to 8.30pm @ Awareness Institute: 1/20 Clarke St, Crows Nest, Sydney.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Astrology Week November22 - 28, 2016 We are heading to an intense weekend… Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury meets Saturn, challenge between Jupiter and Pluto + Venus with Pluto are rising our passions

Sun in Sagittarius invites us to travel, to learn and to celebrate the experiences from Life!!!!!! Happy Birthday to all Sagittarians. Nov 22 - Dec 21, 2016

Mercury - Saturn in Sagittarius meet on Wednesday November 24, 2016 - The young mind represented by Mercury that wants to know all in a fast way (Sagittarius) joins the wisdom represented by Saturn (solid knowledge that comes from experience) inviting us to read, inquire, persevere to bring to life the deep power of our mind!!!  Opportunity to learn by ourselves through experience!

We woke up with the Moon in Libra... Waning Phase on thursday November 24, 2016 inviting us to relate… 

The mood of the day could play a see-saw between overconfidence and self-doubt with the challenge between Jupiter and the Moon in the sign of relationships and
 Pluto with Venus in  earthy Capricorn. 

Why? Both teams are in cardinal signs = both want to create change but they have different elements and are not compatible. So we must be careful not to take relationships for granted or be too possessive or over indulge or be jealous. 
However if we manage obsession we have the potential to be in contact with our deepest feelings to improve something in our life with sincere one to one rapport with a practical approach. 
The art of diplomacy is the key here to
 be successful and have a win – win outcome. 
Strong feelings will be increasing from
 today and over the weekend!

Venus, the goddess of love and Pluto, the ruler of what is “below the surface” meet at the same degrees in the sign of Capricorn on Friday November 25. This is a strong combination of power and control in relationships, which will be more intense for some of us depending on the planets in our birth chart *.We need to ground ourselves and be rational before we create a tornado…

Efficient truthful communication is our tool to solve any burst of passion. With Mercury and Saturn together in Sagittarius we can manage power struggles. 

How? With the ability to break up structures to get to a higher level of understanding, overall because both are harmonising with Uranus, the awakener that invites us to think outside of the box to find solutions.
In my personal experience with an Ascendant and Moon in Capricorn my way to deal with difficulties is remanding myself and work on the purpose of what I want to achieve: focus myself on the goal and not allow distractions with what it has to be done to achieve the objective.
Follow Albert Einstein’s thoughts “You can’t solve a problem on the same level it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level” Einstein was born with Mercury and Saturn together in Sagittarius!

Venus & the Moon are the leading characters of MoonCalendar2017 

The Moon plays with our emotions and Venus with our feelings… In 2017 Venus will dance with Mars warming our relationships. The MoonCalendar for 2017 is a great Christmas Gift to start making the most of the year ahead.

Do you knowyour moonsign?
Doyou know the moonphase 🌑🌓🌔🌕in the sky when you were born? 

⭐️⭐️⭐️With the purchase of the mooncalendar2017 personalised for just $60 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ you will get the planetary energy snapshot just like when you were born (birth chart). I will write a nice message from your Moon Sign and Moon Phase + show in the calendar your best dates to nurture your emotions, to plan romantic dates and business deals & Free Shipping to any city in Australia Send me an email to with your birth details (time, date and place of birth) cheers Cecilia 

Moon Calendar 2017

With the Balsamic Moon in Scorpio during the weekend November 26 - 28, 2016 it is time to let go of what is not under our control… You cannot afford to live in potential for the rest of your life; at some point, you have to unleash the potential and make your move(ment)  Eric Thomas, Chapter 6: When I Move You Move, The Secrets to Success - a former professional American football player

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn + Venus & Neptune start to form harmony in our sky November 18, 2017 - Moon Calendar 2017

Moon-Pluto Emotions go up under this energy. It is better to be surrounded by friends or people who understand our emotional waves… Today Nov 18, 2016 is a good day to sit and enjoy the silence when you have a chance

Even a relaxing picture will unleash your imagination and calm your emotions… Venus in Capricorn is starting to form a soft harmony with Neptune in Pisces offering us an opportunity to express ourselves.

I am going to take this opportunity and present my painting for the month of January 2017 from my Moon Calendar 2017. This is a bite of the inspiration you can embrace every month in 2017 to plan your days and take the opportunities the Universe present to you (this is the 3rd edition of my Moon Calendar).

The Moon Calendar can be personalised aligning the Moon travelling through our sky and your birth chart (time, date and place of birth) to know our BEST PERSONAL DATES to nurture your emotions, and for romance & business. 

It is tailored for times in Australia indicating the date & time the Moon shifts Zodiac Signs, Lunar Phases, Solar & Lunar Eclipses and slow periods to review your projects in 2017. It’s printed locally too! 

I can personalise it for you 
  • Special Promo: I will personalise it for $60 and Free Shipping within Australia send me an email with your birth details to or
  • You can attend one of my workshops!!! I am running 2 workshops next weekend Nov 26 &27 and I will hold a shorter one on the evening of December 15. Send me an email to and I will reply to you with the details.
Here is feedback from a good friend who bought her personalised calendar this week & received it yesterday by post
"It is So comprehensive with great info and your lovely quotes and insights! It's amazing Cecilia! Thank you so much!"  RC

Have a beautiful day 

Cecilia Lugo-Anderson

I have created a group for woman 
"Over the Moon Moments Group 
to follow the Moon and planetary energies

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Astrology week November 17 – 21, 2016 there are 2 special events in our sky stimulating us to make things happen before the Last Quarter Moon in Leo marks the reflection…

Mars, the planet of action, and Uranus, the awakener, are working together in our sky until December 19!. Why? They are in each other’s sign = Mutual reception. Mars rules the sign of Aries and it is in Aquarius, sign ruled by Uranus and vice versa.

It means that they are working together!!! Mars is one of the personal planets and spends 2 months approx. in each sign; it entered in Aquarius on Nov 9 and it will remain until Dec 20, 2016. Uranus -Slow-Moving - is one of the Generational Planets and will be in Aries until 2018. 

As soon as the Moon arrives to its Cancerian Home on November 17, 2016 at 11:57 am it starts to make a sweet connection with Neptune in Pisces helping us to connect with our intuition and be more aware of any flash of light inside of ourselves (insight) to make something happen (take action).

Venus in Capricorn is getting inspiration from Neptune during the weekend November 19– 20, 2016 while the Moon in Leo makes brushstrokes with Mercury & Saturn in Sagittarius, then with Jupiter in Libra and later with Uranus in Aries… for us to create… 

The Last Quarter Phase in Leo occurs on Monday November 21, 2016 at 7:33 pm when the Moon challenges the Sun for us to get to an agreement with reflection:

“My people and I have come to an agreement which satisfies us both. They are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please”
Frederick the Great (Frederick II was King of Prussia from 1740 until 1786)
Sun Moves to Sagittarius 
on November 22, 2016
and the Moon will invite us 
to start closing the cycle
to join the Sun on November 29, 2016 = 
New Moon @ 8 degrees of Sagittarius 
to plant intentions for the holiday season!!!

Would you like to know about astrology insights & highlights to flow with the energies of our Universe? I have created an inspiring Moon Calendar for 2017 that highlights Venus and Mars’s journey through the Zodiac Monthly to open our heart. $40 (or $60 personalised) aligned with the snapshot of the planets when you were born (Birth Chart)showing your BEST PERSONAL DATES to nurture your emotions; your personal days for Romance and Business & FREE SHIPPING to any city within Australia. AWESOME PROMO, isn’t’ it? 

TESTIMONIAL from a customer - previous edition: “I feel I can be better prepared and have already managed today easily where it could have been problematic. Wonderful Cecilia!!! You are a marvel to have thought this through and produced such a beautiful calendar with such lovely pictures each month”. JD

Send me an email to with your birth details (Time, Date & Place of birth) to get your copy personalised!!!
Join Over the Moon Moments Group - StelliumLight to follow the sky energies

Sydney Workshops 
November 2016 
1) The Astrological Sky in 2017

Join me to The Astrological Sky in 2017 Workshop to plan your year (personalised with your Birth Chart), get tips to work with the Moon Phases, signs, eclipses in 2017 and be surprised by the ‘Zodiac Lovers’ Venus and Mar’s dance in our sky from January until they meet in October 2017 in a year to boost relationships with Jupiter in Libra!!!
Saturday NOV 26 from 10:00 am - 1:00pm Call Grace 0421004322 LettingGoAcademy - 327-329 Woodpark Rd, Smithfield NSW 2164, Australia. 

2) The Zodiac Lovers & the Moon in 2017 Workshop

In this workshop Cecilia will talk about the Moon in each Zodiac Sign, the collective mood it creates and the activities in general that it favours. You’ll learn why some days are busier, why some days are more relaxed and why some days are just dreamy.

  • Come along on Sunday 27 November to plan your your best days for romance & business with the 2017 Moon Calendar aligned with your birth chart.
  • When? Sunday NOV 27 from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm @ Christine's Crystals Place - Monaro St, Seven Hills NSW 2147.  Contact Christine to book on 0416 132 751 (02) 9674 8808 or Email to
Looking for to hearing from you

Have a lovely day!!! Cecilia Lugo-Anderson

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Super Full Moon Taurus to unite our Body & Soul enjoying the simplicity of nature by releasing our fears just like a blooming Rose…

"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today". Dale Carnegie

The Super Full Moon in Taurus gives us this opportunity on November 15, 2016 @ 12:52 am Eastern Australia Time. The Full Moon occurs when the Moon projects all the sunlight forming an exact opposition to the Sun; in this case their polarity is in the axis of Taurus (Moon) Vs Scorpio (Sun) asking for us to balance their energies.

Venus is the planet ruler of Taurus & Pluto is the planet ruler of Scorpio (modern astrology). Both are travelling the wise Capricorn for us to build a strong connection within ourselves to increase our quality of life by slowly but reliably through hard work to be confident in ourselves to achieve.

Mars the ruler of Scorpio in traditional astrology just moved to Aquarius and it is forming a soft relationship with Venus in Capricorn that can take us to unexpected place unconsciously… we should take in consideration people around us with a cooperative attitude letting go of the need for control and domination, so we can connect with the Full Moon in Taurus!!!

The Nature Loving Super Full Moon in Taurus brings gladness to our body as the rose does with its delicate petals and aromas (Moon in Taurus) when we let go of the sorrow of the thorns that we may hold in our soul (Sun in Scorpio). Blessings on Full Moon everyone!!!

I have created an inspiring Moon Calendar 2017 with astrological Guidance, quotes from celebrities to connect with the Moon Sign, Moon Phase, the dance between Venus and Mars’s through the Zodiac Monthly to open our heart in 2017. 

It is accompanied by my original art work and astrological guidance to be your best 

It is a beautiful #Christmas gift for yourself and your loved ones. I have a special offer

· One calendar for just $40 

· Personalised #MoonCalendar aligned with your birth chart: 

* ONE for just $60 or 

* 2-3 Calendars $50 each 

I will personalise it aligned with your birth chart (Time, Date & Place of birth) showing your BEST PERSONAL DATES to nurture your emotions; your personal days for Romance and Business appointments + FREE SHIPPING to any city within Australia. 

Send me an email to with your order and I will organise the rest. 

Sydney Workshops 
November 2016 
1) The Astrological Sky in 2017

Join me to The Astrological Sky in 2017 Workshop to plan your year (personalised with your Birth Chart), get tips to work with the Moon Phases, signs, eclipses in 2017 and be surprised by the ‘Zodiac Lovers’ Venus and Mar’s dance in our sky from January until they meet in October 2017 in a year to boost relationships with Jupiter in Libra!!!
Saturday NOV 26 from 10:00 am - 1:00pm Call Grace 0421004322 LettingGoAcademy - 327-329 Woodpark Rd, Smithfield NSW 2164, Australia. 

2) The Zodiac Lovers & the Moon in 2017 Workshop 

  • In this workshop Cecilia will talk about the Moon in each Zodiac Sign, the collective mood it creates and the activities in general that it favours. You’ll learn why some days are busier, why some days are more relaxed and why some days are just dreamy.

    Come along on Sunday 27 November to plan your your best days for romance & business with the 2017 Moon Calendar aligned with your birth chart.
  • When? Sunday NOV 27 from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm @ Christine's Crystals Place - Monaro St, Seven Hills NSW 2147.  Contact Christine to book on 0416 132 751 (02) 9674 8808 or Email to
Looking for to hearing from you

Have a lovely day!!! Cecilia Lugo-Anderson