It all starts with Jupiter and the Sun getting closer to each other in the diligent sign of Virgo asking us to improve our daily work routine through the organization of tasks. On Thursday August 27, 2015, the Sun joins the giant Jupiter at 3 degrees of Virgo, spreading a positive attitude to create a better daily world ... The Moon is under the hard-worker sign of Capricorn inviting us to roll up our sleeves and do what we have to do to upgrade a skill or an ability we have, and / or expand the knowledge of something that will allow us to improve our routines. So, we can take advantage of the energy emanated by our Solar Star and the titan planet Jupiter together in the practical sign of Virgo!
Full Moon in Pisces - Sunday August 30, 2015 at 04:35 am, Sydney illuminates us to dream and make our dreams come true. Pisces is the energy that connects us with the visible world and the invisible one. Jupiter and Neptune are planets that are related to this sublime sign and both are associated with divinity.
For a full moon to occur the
luminaries (Sun and Moon) need to be at exact degrees but in opposite signs; this
Sunday the Sun will be at 6 degrees of Virgo and the Moon at 6 degrees of
Pisces. Not only that, each Luminary during the Full Moon will be accompanied
for one of the rulers of the sign of Pisces: Jupiter
is with the Sun in Virgo giving us confidence and to stimulate our
consciousness - the visible; and the Moon is
with Neptune in Pisces, opening our hearts and illuminating our unconscious world-
the invisible. We can unite our mind, body and soul to imagine and work on
making whatever we want possible!
How do we create it? Mercury in Libra and Mars and Venus give us the answer!
* Mercury, the governor of the processes of thinking and communication changes to the sign of Libra early in the morning of August 28th, 2015.
Mercury in Libra speaks of harmony; communication is to achieve peace and negotiation is handled such that both sides win. Winner - Winner.

Original Artwork by Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Copyright 2015
* The Lovers of
the Zodiac (Mars & Venus) are seducing each other in the sign of Leo showing us that
we can only create a better world if we express ourselves authentically and act
following our heart, loving every being that is part of our lives. Every
living being around us has a role in our lives, teaching us that everything is
related and interconnected ... For me this is the vibration of the Universe and
now it is revealed.
The Seduction
between Mars (Passion / Action) and Venus (Pleasure / Love) begins on Saturday
August 29, 2015 under the romantic Moon of Pisces; and the consolidation of their union will be at 14
degrees of the fiery sign of Leo under the Moon
in Aries, on Tuesday, September 1,
2015, influencing our emotions to make decisions.

Copyright 2015
We all should plan something special for those we love ... A friend, our children, a family member and/ or our partner... and enjoy their company! Living a loving present we allow ourselves to have a meaningful future.
Have a Great weekend!
NOTE: This year -2015, Mars and Venus join 3 times: First back in February under the sign of Pisces; now under the sign of Leo and in October they will meet each other again under the sign of Virgo. This is due to the 40 days (July 26 - September 6, 2015) that Venus has in an illusory motion retrograde in which we get time to re-evaluate the way we love.
If you would like to know the
opportunities that will come to your way and you would like to deepen your personal
development or partnership growth, Visit the link or
send an email to to organise an astrological
orientation interview. Connecting with your purpose working positively
with the energies of your birth chart (planetary positions at the time, date
and place of birth) you can be your best. Stellium Light is the perfect place
to quench any astrological interests. Astrology helps us understand our present
and guides us in how to deal with the events and get the best of today!
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