Mars changes
to the intellectual sign of Gemini influencing us to be more alert than usual
and increasing our mental energies.
This can be very beneficial if we develop a positive attitude. Therefore we
must have a clear goal and control the tendency to be scattered and not lose a
good opportunity to negotiate. The weakness of Gemini is to get distracted out
of curiosity... For this reason, it is important to channel our mental energy
rather than digress ... and have the ability to keep our mind on what we want
to lead us to success.
Mars is transiting the sign of Gemini from May 12 until June 24 2015. Remember that Mercury (planet associated with thinking and communication) will also be in this versatile sign that offers us the ability to think and do more than one thing at a time ... but remember that from Tuesday May 19 until June 12, 2015 we must review and reflect what we do (Mercury will be retrograde*). Watch out for the tendency to talk about our goals and we should use more energy to focus our actions to effectively perform what is important to us.
In the afternoon of Saturday May 16, 2015, the Moon enters the sensual sign of Taurus and creative Venus which rules the sign of Taurus and transits the sign of Cancer harmonising with dreamy Neptune, captivating us collectively to say sweet words that can lead to happiness and inspiring romance. Under these energies we should unleash our senses to enjoy the beauty and nature around us. From May 16 to 18, 2015 we have ideal days to re-decorate our home reviving some forgotten feeling ... What if we look at some of those beautiful pictures of our family and put them in a special place where we can see them every day?
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Indulging our senses - New Moon in Taurus Original Artwork by Cecilia Lugo-Anderson Copyright 2015. New Moon Calendar 2015 |
The New Moon of May is on Monday May 18, 2015, at 2:00 pm, at 28 degrees of Taurus which gives us energy to visualise our ideas and write our intentions for this new lunar cycle figuring out ways that allow us to materialize our thoughts. The New Moon of Taurus invites us to cultivate tenacity, patience and be grateful for our material achievements so far and organise our finances.
The Sun and Moon are joined in the constant sign of Taurus under the harmony between Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter in Leo, indicating the need to apply our knowledge constructively giving positive meaning to our thoughts when we receive information. This will allow us to convey our truth aligned with our principles by making the necessary adjustments so that we can have an impact in our environment, due to the relationship that both planets (Jupiter and Mercury) form with the transformer Pluto in the disciplined Capricorn.
Venus, the ruler of the New Moon in Taurus, is transiting the affectionate sign of Cancer reminding us to worry about those who are really important to us.
a great weekend & happy New Moon in Taurus!
Note: *Retrograde is an
astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where the planet
appears to be in reverse rotation in relation with Earth which is also in
movement. Astrology explains the event as an opportunity to review and adjust
according to the energy that generates the planet.
Remember that these are
collective energies and at a personal level we need to relate the energies with
our Birth Chart. Stellium Light is
the perfect place for all your Astrology needs. Please visit
or send an email to request our services to
Connecting with the Universe's
Energy we can be our best!
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