The Sun and the Moon are navigating the
waters of Pisces in the company of Neptune (natural ruler of this
-Modern Astrology);
Together they give us energy of sensitivity, compassion and empathy
toward our fellowmen.
They boost our imagination to inspire ourselves.
On Friday, February 201th 2015, Mars will jump
from Piscean’s water and enter in the fire of its home (Aries). Mars
in Aries leads energy to be assertive, courageous and to take action following
desires. But also emanates impulsiveness, competitiveness and hot temper…
Therefore, there is a need for burning excess energy through sports, yoga,
meditation or any activity that calms our anxiety.
During the weekend February 21-22, 2015, the Zodiac Lovers-Venus
and Mars -join at exact degrees of Aries. This
union provides a powerful force to go in search of what we want. Together in
Aries they emanate warm energy to love; inspiration and beginning; both have
the support of Saturn in Sagittarius - power of commitment - to work with our
feelings (Venus) and take action to follow (Mars). In addition, the Moon in
Aries harmonises with Jupiter in Leo, offering positivism and confidence in
ourselves to move forward.
And… This weekend February 20-22,
2015: thanks to the harmony between the
planet associated with the processes of thinking (Mercury) with the planet
associated with discipline and the ability to establish priorities (Saturn),
we can formulate ideas clearly to dispel any confusion generated by the transit
of the Sun in the sign of Pisces which is challenging Saturn in Sagittarius.
When we face internal concerns, if we put effort we could also find answers.
Have a great weekend

I take this opportunity to wish a Happy
Birthday – Solar Return - to people born with the Sun in Pisces! - February 19
and March 20.
is the twelfth sign of the zodiac; Water element and its dynamism or
modus operandi is adaptation. Rulers: Neptune (Modern Astrology); Jupiter
(Traditional Astrology). The astrological figure is the twin-fish swimming in
opposite directions but connected by a cord. The two fish represent in
mythology Venus or Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) and his son, Cupid also known as
Eros (Love). Both became fearsome fish to escape from the monster Typhon, who
was one of the powerful opponents of Zeus (Greek Mythology) / Jupiter (Roman
Mythology) - Leader of the Gods.
Myrna Lofthus in her book - A Spiritual Approach to Astrology - offers
a beautiful explanation of the image of the sign of Pisces, two fish tied by a cord:
“One fish represents the personality and other fish represents the soul.
Although they are linked together by a cord, each fish is attempting to swim in
the opposite direction. One of the fish must become the master in order to swim
the waters of life ".
represents spirituality, kindness, understanding, sacrifice and compassion. Key
phrase "I BELIEVE" accept as true
something that is not known from experience.
Positive Energy: Empathy
and understanding towards others; imagination and ability to dream; gentleness,
mysticism, spiritual awareness, altruism, humility and sensitivity. Weakness:
credulity, confusion, fantasise, evade, being influenced and impressionable.
Have a Spicy cosmic and inspirational weekend!
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