This is a Super New Moon to start a major change in relation to our abilities and suggests that we must find new ways to use our skills to benefit not only monetarily but in terms of personal satisfaction. The place where the eclipse in our chart * happens, will lead us to know where we should put more effort to open the way of our transformation ; and , if we have a planet positioned between 7-11 degrees of Taurus we will feel this energy even more .
Psychologists and experts in the study of human behavior agree how difficult it is to get rid of a job, of a relationship or a situation that hurts us. But we don’t initiate a change because we have become accustomed to it. This eclipse is under aspects of Mercury in the same sign, Mars in Libra, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn and, Jupiter in Cancer, indicating that there is a link to minimise our personal will with reference to material possessions and focus our concern on the need to find spiritual peace. That is, we analyze how to use our talents to benefit the people around us with whom we interact and above all to our family. Also, the fact that Mercury accompanies the two Luminaries (Sun and Moon) points out the importance of communication as a tool to resolve any difference in improving our quality of life.
In addition , under the power of Mercury in Taurus , our thinking can separate the emotions needed to improve or transform some stage or area of our lives and analysis under the New Moon in the sign of Taurus , can be practical to not get caught in a vicious circle that could stop any action. Importantly, in any process of change, not only must we abandon what does not work but we must be clear on what we want to do to replace it. Remember that the hardest part is the uncertainty we feel about the future, but if we plant our intentions following our intuition and establish strategies to get what we want, we can better target our efforts to achieve it.
During the 29 April - 01 May 2014, these are good days to clarify our purposes to advance with our personal growth ... Mercury, the planet that represents our thinking and communication in its transit through the sign of Taurus forms a harmonious angle to the planet Pluto which promotes transformation. Mercury in Taurus is practical clear energy to question ourselves in any situation: Is it worth it? Does it satisfy my senses and give me long-term security? With our answers we should create a list of priorities that reflect the activities we enjoy and give us peace of mind including the steps and strategies to follow to be more organized and efficient.
Mercury and Pluto are transiting under the Earth element signs favoring the realization of our objectives. Their harmony can help us plan strategies to tidy our values and our finances. Sometimes with everything happening around us and the lack of time, it is easy to lose sight of our emotional, mental and spiritual central pillars that differentiate us from other people. With Pluto in Capricorn in harmonious contact with Mercury in Taurus we have an opportunity to investigate and retake them.
Communication becomes concrete and facilitates our messages effectively. Our emotions are practical stimulating objective analysis at our own pace but we should not obsess with our ideas, instead we should be flexible communicating them and listen to others. Mars in Libra forms an angle that can hinder our willingness to listen to the opinions of others. Mars in Libra invites us to reflect and make adjustments to allow us to discern between what is important and that which others consider ... remember that everyone from our point of view will believe that our ideas are correct, but if we hear other points of view we can align our environment and find even more clarity about what happens around us to make decisions that benefit everyone.
The weakness of Mercury in Taurus is precisely the stiffness or lack of flexibility to adapt to each other's ideas. If we focus only on our responsibilities and let others also take responsibility for their part we can work better as a team not only at a work level but also with respect to our personal relationships. That’s to say, we should create a moderate plan that includes priorities that really concern us and let others also take responsibility for the part they could facilitate through teamwork.
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