This week, Sun and Uranus in harmony can stimulate our
curiosity, make us feel alert and find innovative ideas, which we can include
in our routine to do things in a more entertaining and different way that can
lead to change and reform ourselves somehow, which is practically what the
friction between Pluto - Transformation - and Uranus - change and progress –
are suggesting for the next two years.

The energy released by the New Moon in the sign of Aquarius is related to finding ways to meet new friends, to belong to a group that shares our motivation and somehow revolutionize our lives. Aquarius and Uranus are linked to progress, technology and progress of our society, including revolution and new ways of operating concepts, objectivity and independence.
Also, the two luminaries suggest that we should think about how to find solutions to improve our future, carry out humanitarian activities that help us to feel part of our community, add humor to our daily duties while making our routine more interesting. All these changes somehow allow us to engage with all areas of our life and at the same time enjoy the surprises that life presents to us.
Under the encounter of the Sun and the Moon, there is also the opposition aspect between Jupiter in Cancer - faith in our beliefs – and, Pluto - Transformation – in hand with Venus – love- in Capricorn, all in friction with Uranus. For me, there is a message to put love into what we do, develop new ideas without fear of finding different ways of doing things, to achieve harmony with independence, releasing the control and letting life sometimes surprise us .
The universe offers us opportunities to start a change in ourselves, renew and refresh our being ... and then to help our society to advance and improve, I am reminded of the phrase: It is impossible to begin to learn what you think you already know ... Epictetus.
That same day, Venus will return to direct motion activating the way we relate . This change is very timely, because tomorrow begins the month of love .
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