The Sun
- our internal motivation - transiting very close with Saturn - order and discipline – through Scorpio sign on 6, 7 and 8 November 2013, gives us time to concentrate on our responsibilities and advance professionally. This transit is not only beneficial for those who work in some way in our career but also for parents. The disciplined energy emanating from these two planets together is beneficial for planning, for example, we sit down with our children and set the hours they have to devote to studies to complete the exams with good grades before the end of the school year, but we must be flexible leaving room for entertainment.
Venus begins its transit through the diligent sign of Capricorn on Wednesday November 6th 2013, where it will remain until March 2014. This planet is the brilliant star that shines us at dawn and dusk, reminding us of the need to live in harmony, peace and love . Venus in the sign of Capricorn captures our attention to conquer the world by encouraging our ambition. We can develop ideas and our skills through effort and work to achieve goals.
Jupiter the planet that expands our knowledge begins a period of retrograde motion until March 2014. (Retrograde is an astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where the planet seems to reverse or rotate backwards from the Earth point of view. Astrology explains the event as an opportunity to review and adjust according to the energy the planet generates).
This change of movement of Jupiter means that it will pass through the paths already travelled in the sign of Cancer, to offer us an opportunity to retake the importance of family values This will help soften Venus’ energy transiting the pragmatic sign of Capricorn to use our skills with a spiritual meaning. For example, I am a decorator that combines colors to design... and my son likes to paint ... I will use these months to connect with him, showing him my knowledge of color mixing and my painting technique to help him with art homework.
During the weekend – 9th and 10th of November 2013 - Venus the planet that rules creativity and aesthetics , will make its first harmonic contact with Neptune , planet ruling fantasy and dreams that is transiting the spiritual sign of Pisces. Under its harmony can awaken our imagination and be able to see aspects of reality to inspire and create as when an artist looks at the landscape and paints it on your perspective. Each of us with our skills has the opportunity to create something that can be beneficial to obtain our goals.
Under the study of time, date and place of your birth I can guide you to address your potential and talent for vocational purpose and work orientation. Stellium Light also offers the study of the Natal Chart for babies, children and teenagers, which gives parents a personalized guide to select the best activities to develop the confidence of their children, how to nurture their basic motivations and emotions, channeling excess energy and, includes tips on using the favorite color of your child's zodiac sign blending harmoniously with other colors according to the elements in your birth chart to decorate their room harmoniously. I invite you to visit the website: www.stelliumlight.com.au call me at 0438131629 or email me to arrange an interview ceci@stelliumlight.com.au.
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