Today - July 9, 2013 - Mercury (thinking) returns to make contact with the Sun (expression of our being) for us to review what is emotionally not letting us to express ourselves. It is a time to reflect and find within us answers about our needs to express ourselves in our world.
However, in this process we must be calm and patient when things do not go as we planned. When Mercury is in retrograde motion (astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where the planet appears to move backwards or reverse rotate relative to Earth) It is better to listen and observe in order to understand what is happening around us.
Below I describe a typical example of communication problems with Mercury in retrograde motion. Yesterday, I tried to send a very important email and did not connect to the Internet. After many failed attempts, I took the time to take a deep breath and found that a book titled "Mercury in Retrograde" - author: Chrissie Blaze - had fallen behind the desk and had disconnected the wires going to the modem ... Not only that I lost my notebook with all my writings during the weekend... Patience! And today I have sent three times the same email…
On Saturday July 13, 2013, Mars - Drive, Courage and Action - joins to a Stellium of planets (Sun, Mercury and Jupiter) in the sign of Cancer. Mars in this sensitive sign connects us with our emotions and we can add creativity to our actions. Furthermore, while our energy levels can fluctuate according to our mood, we also have the subtlety to get what we want.
Before the sun changes to the sign of Leo, on Tuesday July 23 2013, I want to share two real life examples, where both writers weave their emotions with their homeland, children, and family ... areas ruled by the sign of Cancer. The two writers have in their astrology
Dorothea Mackellar, Australian writer, who also studied Spanish, was born in
"I love a sunburnt country
a land of sweeping plains
of ragged mountain ranges
of droughts and flooding rains
I love her far horizons
I love her jewel-sea
her beauty & her horror –
the wide brown land for me "…
Only with a beautiful Stellium in the sign of Cancer, a writer can have so much talent in the creation of this beautiful poem...
Lucila Godoy Alcayaga, better known as Gabriela Mistral, Chilean and the first Latin American writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1945), was born in Vicuña, on April 7, 1889 under the sensitive Moon in the sign of Cancer, in harmony with Venus and Mars in the sign of Taurus. I copy here three beautiful quotes (translated) dedicated to children and homeland.
• We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children by denying them the source of life. Many things we need can wait, the children can not, now is the time, their bones are being formed, their blood is being made and their senses are being developed, to them we can not answer tomorrow, their name is today
• Having a Homeland is a gift that from time to time you have to stand up for.
• What the soul does for your body is what the artist does for their people
They are representative of the harmony of the stars in a Natal Birth Chart! If you want to know / develop your potential or your children, visit the website: www.stelliumlight.com.au or call call me on 0438 131629 to request a personalized astrological service.
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