Stellium Light

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Scorpio New Moon🌑 to heal a wound! The ruler of this New Moon is Pluto and the co-ruler is Mars as per the evolutionary astrology. Both are having a good conversation with other planets in the sky.
Pluto is smiling to the union of the Moon and the Sun (New Moon) and, Mars♂️ in Aquarius is flowing with Venus♀️ in Libra that is close to us (retrograde) in the sign of relationships
Pluto smiling to the New Moon brings an opportunity but we need to make the connection to be able to heal a wound. We need to explore deeply into our own psyche – see through the darkness to feel the light.
Jupiter stays in Scorpio during this lunation and changes after it. I think Jupiter wants us to believe in our inner power releasing any the negativity that doesn’t t let us to heal the wound. I think Jupiter is telling us words from Rumi:
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
Venus Rx in harmony with Mars is telling us also a quote from Rumi
“Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.”
And Pluto supporting the New Moon also talks words from Rumi:
“Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure.”
For me, the treasure is always inside of us… Plant your intentions to connect with it!!! Blessings on New Moon ❤️
Note: New Moon🌑 occurs at 3:01 am on 8thNov18 Australia Eastern Summer Time at 15 degrees of Scorpio