Stellium Light

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Scorpio New Moon🌑 to heal a wound! The ruler of this New Moon is Pluto and the co-ruler is Mars as per the evolutionary astrology. Both are having a good conversation with other planets in the sky.
Pluto is smiling to the union of the Moon and the Sun (New Moon) and, Mars♂️ in Aquarius is flowing with Venus♀️ in Libra that is close to us (retrograde) in the sign of relationships
Pluto smiling to the New Moon brings an opportunity but we need to make the connection to be able to heal a wound. We need to explore deeply into our own psyche – see through the darkness to feel the light.
Jupiter stays in Scorpio during this lunation and changes after it. I think Jupiter wants us to believe in our inner power releasing any the negativity that doesn’t t let us to heal the wound. I think Jupiter is telling us words from Rumi:
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
Venus Rx in harmony with Mars is telling us also a quote from Rumi
“Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.”
And Pluto supporting the New Moon also talks words from Rumi:
“Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure.”
For me, the treasure is always inside of us… Plant your intentions to connect with it!!! Blessings on New Moon ❤️
Note: New Moon🌑 occurs at 3:01 am on 8thNov18 Australia Eastern Summer Time at 15 degrees of Scorpio

Monday, 14 May 2018

New Moon in Taurus to plant our intentions to embrace change!

This particular New Moon brings a sudden change in our lives to make progress!!! 

Sun & Moon join at 25 degrees of Taurus and Venus (planet ruler of Taurus) is happy for their union at same degree but in chatty Gemini. 

Time to plant our seeds visualising our goals to move forward to bring new patterns into our lives!!! Taurus relates to the fertile earth and is associated with our primary needs: food, shelter… Resources that bring us protection and security. But also pleasures, peace, self-worth and contentment! Venus in Gemini indicates that negotiation is the way to obtain our goals!! 

There is a trio in Capricorn (Saturn, Pluto and Mars) indicating the need to work hard to make our goals happen!!! Pluto and Mars are supporting the Luminaries union (Sun & Moon) suggesting we take actions to make transformation in the way we make our money… In the way we connect with our senses… obtain satisfaction … cultivate peace and nurture our values and self-worth. 

A few hours after this new moon happens The awakener Uranus moves to Taurus and Mars moves to Aquarius bringing change to the way we are used to make our living… 

Uranus will take us from our comfort zone to think outside of the box and create something new in our lives to make progress (Uranus will be for a while in the land of Venus – 7years… but this year it will be for a little bit – I will talk about it tomorrow). 

The warrior Mars will enter in Aquarius (sign ruled by Uranus) to free our actions and be able to make the change!! Mars here is happy because it is free! Positive energy for change! Mars will be close to Earth from the end of June 2018 in Aquarius (Retrograde). 

Plus Jupiter is flowing with Neptune offering us hope and faith with the new change still making an opposition contact… to be positive!!! 


Thursday, 1 February 2018

February 2018 is a month of change and a month to love!!!

February 2018 is a month that offers change with 2 eclipses under the polarity Leo / Aquarius. We began with the Lunar Eclipse at 12 degrees of the sign of Leo that coloured the Moon under the shadow of our planet on 1FEB18 @ 12:26am. The Luminaries (Sun & Moon in their dance invite us to ask ourselves: how happy are we? How much do we love what surrounds us? And what we do? ...

On February 16 we will have a solar eclipse at 28 degrees of the sign of Aquarius that offers us the opportunity to think outside of the box to make radical decisions allowing us to start our change… to start living in a more authentic way. 

All the planets will be direct during the month of February 2018 in order to create the change we need to work with our goals. Venus, the goddess of Love is in Aquarius until 11 February inviting us to value authenticity, knowledge, originality and friendship!!! 

Venus dives into Pisces on 11 February at 10:20 am inviting us to unleash our imagination and celebrate love!!! On Wednesday February 14 we have the opportunity to do something special for our other half… and this year it happens under the Aquarius Moon inviting us to surprise that loved one with special actions and gifts… Venus in Pisces and Moon in Aquarius suggest to us to look for a gift that stands apart from the crowd!!!

Here is the LOVE PROMO for the lovers of Zodiac Inspirations Australia Moon Calendar 2018 living in Australia only!

Couples: For only $ 60 you receive the Moon Calendar 2018, aligned with the Natal Chart of both lovers highlighting the best days to nurture each other and the best days to go out for a date!!! Best day for each of you to be pampered by the other…Wow!. The cost includes delivery to any city in Australia.

Are you single??? No worries get the personalised calendar for $ 60 dollars and you will receive the Moon Calendar 2018 personalised and aligned with your Natal Chart highlighting with emotional stickers your best days to nourish your emotions and those that favor you to pamper yourself, go for a date and shine with your own light !!!