Stellium Light

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Astrology Month of May!!! The month we celebrate Motherhood & May starts with the Moon in Cancer getting grounded with the Sun in Taurus…

A Pinch and a Punch for the Magic of the First day of the Month!!! There is a double message from the the emotional Moon in Cancer:

 In the morning of May 1st, 2017 The Moon in Cancer dancing with the Sun in Taurus and both harmoniously connecting  with the magic of imagination (Neptune) invites us to to be in touch with our intuition to channel our creativity in whatever field we work or like to do.

Creative thinking - in terms of idea creativity - is not a mystical talent.
it is a skill that can be practiced and nurtured. Edward de Bono
In the evening of May 1st, 2017 we can act with more drama when the Moon in Cancer faces Pluto in Capricorn allowing us to see truth… people as they really are… and not the way we would like them to be. 
" You can never control other people. You can only control yourself. 
I have definitely learned that". Kimora Lee Simmons

It’s the sense of waking up on Disneyland and then going to bed watching Fatal Attraction…

It is a metaphor but we need to remember what the point of Moon and Pluto opposition is: That we balance our need to be needed so we don’t fall being possessive… 

May is a month to embody the transformation that comes with the change of the Nodes of the Moon for us to find our sense of a unique light. SAVE THE DATE May 10th when this happens under the union of Mercury and Uranus and the Sun in harmony with the planet of transformation -Pluto … 

The intense full Moon of Scorpio will Fill us with transformative light on May 11, 2017 having the support of Pluto (the planet ruler of Scorpio) but before that 
this week we have the
 beautiful challenge of the Sun in Taurus
and the Moon in Leo this 
Wednesday May 3 for us to take action. 

I recommend to take the action on the next day May 4 when finally a gentle breath comes with Mercury turning direct next to Uranus to turn on our ideas!!!

Finding the balance between independence and discipline is possible with the natural fire support in our sky between Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. 

Venus and Mercury will be out of any shadow by May 18 and the dynamic Sun in Gemini will start to play from May 21, 2017 joining the Moon on May 26, 2017. This encounter is close to Earth offering us a precious time to improve our communication
for those that want to listen and avoid
 explosive tendency due to repressing their feelings. !!!
May also asks us collectively to take 
the next step and balance I & We!!! 
A new way of thinking (Uranus) 
Individually (Aries) 
is facing across 
an opportunity 
that comes in our way (Jupiter ) through Art...
sharing ideas... in cooperation (Libra)

Join me on MAY 21, 2017 - a time with good communication energies & for an intimate applied astrology workshop about relationships. 

 "Relatioships and the breeze of Jupiter in Libra" to improve our way to relate with others.  We will cover different one-on-one type of relationships: How to be on a date; how to maintain current relationships with healthy negotiation and; relate to find cooperation from co-workers and friends!!! 

Do you live in Sydney? Come along on Sunday May 21 at 9:30 am until 1:30 pm @ Awareness Institute in Sydney. Suit 1 /20 Clarke St, Crows Nest, Sydney

For enrollment or more information send me an email to 

Have a lovely Month of May!!! ☀🌙
© Cecilia Lugo- Anderson

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

NewMoon in Taurus to Visualise intentions to take care of the garden of our lives - tonight April 26, 2017 AEST

New Moon ☀🌙@ 6 degrees of Taurus♉️ = ENERGY TO VALUE OUR BEST SELF - Visualise intentions to take care of the garden of our lives - tonight April 26, 2017 @10:16 pm for NSW - VIC - QLD & Tassie / SA & NT (-) ½ hour @ 9: 46 pm and / WA (-) 2 hours @ 8:16pm within 8 hours

A New emotional cycle starts tonight in the fertile sign of Taurus for us to plant our intentions to nourish self-confidence and self-worth.

Venus the planet boss (ruler) of Taurus is still in Pisces hosing our dreams…like a gardener hoses the garden. Venus at 29 degrees of Pisces is telling us Conceive your dream in your heart to plant it in the fertile soil of Taurus where the Sun & Moon will meet bringing tenacity & patience to make them happen.

We can rescue ideas giving them another look and shape them with hope and wisdom - The New Moon occurs under the harmony between Saturn in Sagittarius with Mercury Rx heading to meet Uranus in Aires tomorrow. Motivation Fuel for our intentions!!! Let’s connect with the beauty of nature and plant our intentions: 

• To Value our BEST SELF. 

• To Be in contact with NATURE. 

• To Appreciate WHAT WE HAVE
• To Organise our Finances

• To Make our SPACE a PEACEFUL place
• To Release stubbornness and attachments to ALLOW CHANGE!!!

IF YOU WERE BORN WITH Sun, Moon, Ascendant in Taurus this New Moon brings positive energies to fresh your projects. But we all have the sign of Taurus in our Birth Chart!!! In this area we are starting the long romance with ourselves... following the words of Oscar Wild 

"To Love oneself is the beginning of a life long Romance"💗 

Perfect time with Venus now Direct still in Pisces to CREATE OUR VISUALISATION - our New Moon Board –using the Laws of Attraction. On a green card board with Hot Pink markers write down your intentions adding pictures that represent your words!!!

If you would like to improve your relationships through the eyes of Astrology deepen your knowledge about "Relationships and the Breeze of Jupiter" come along to this insightful workshop on May 21, 2017 @ Awareness Institute in Sydney. Suit 1 /20 Clarke St, Crows Nest, Sydney

For enrollment or more information send me an email to 

Blessings on New Moon☀🌙
© Cecilia Lugo- Anderson

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Venus & Chiron together are sending healing kisses to Mars!!! Happy Easter - April 16, 2017

HEALING POWER IN OUR SKY FOR “THE SELF”!!! Venus is making contact with healer Chiron and both smile to Mars in Taurus offering the Sun Patience and Compassion to bring something from the unconscious to the conscious…TO NAIL IT!!!

Interestingly both homes of Venus -Taurus and Libra- are occupied by 2 planets close to earth: Mercury is in Taurus inviting us to evaluate ideas & Jupiter is Retrograde in Libra inviting us to re-evaluate our beliefs.
  • Listening to our heart and desires… getting in contact with all our 5 senses is the message from the rational mind with Mercury close to Earth (Retrograde) in the gardener sign of Taurus!
  • Our Faith and belief in ourselves needs to be reaffirmed to project our own values!!! With Jupiter in Libra the sign of aesthetics and balance…EQUALITY!
Don’t let your emotions overwhelm you today (Saturn and the Moon have a meeting) and instead use the positive qualities of the wisdom to inject faith in ourselves listening to our heart!
Don't forget if you would like to deepen your knowledge about "Relationships and the Breeze of Jupiter" come along to this insightful workshop on May 21, 2017 @ Awareness Institute in Sydney. For enrollment or more information send me an email to 

Have a beautiful day of EasterSunday!!! © Cecilia Lugo-Anderson

Monday, 10 April 2017

Full Moon Libra – Emotions are high at the moment… Step carefully dodging any unexpected blow ... We all to a greater or lesser extent passing through a very significant time…

On April 11, 2017 At 4:08 pm in Sydney, Australia the SUN at 21 degrees 33 minutes of Aries accompanied by Uranus OPPOSES the MOON in Libra 21 degrees 33 minutes that is with Jupiter. They are telling us very loudly the importance of FAIRNESS, RESPECT, NEGOTIATION AND FREEDOM of thinking and to have an opinion.

PLUTO at 19 degrees IS CHALLENGING both sides of TRUST & TRUTH is the Key to deal with all the differences!!! 


VENUS is Rx in Pisces at the moment TELLING us:
“When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgement you make is self-judgment, that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an unconditional love that will be the light of the world”.
Harry Palmer

Venus Rx in Pisces is challenging Saturn Rx in Sagittarius asking us to love with commitment giving and receiving unconditional love but without attempting to our beliefs.

Mercury just started to revisit the path already travelled - So we need to FOCUS… SLOW DOWN & BE CAREFUL with what we are doing... Watch your words and the tone we talk…

FULL MOON in Libra to balance the “I” and “we”. The strong energies in our sky during the Sun and Moon opposition for us to initiate change because the Luminaries are (Sun & Moon) activating the need to make a step forward in what we believe and feel the need to take action.

Stay calm loving yourself and practicing the art of love with people important for us and releasing the control of things we cannot change…
I am feeling like I am walking on the tight rope as my Sun is at 20 degrees of Libra & my Moon is at 20 degree of Capricorn … and I think also there are people feeling the same way if you were born with planets between 17 – 24 degrees in cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn).

For example: If you were born between 11 and 18 of October (Sun in Libra) or having a Moon in Libra or Ascendant… As well as if you were born between 7 -12 of April (Sun in Aries) Moon in Aries or Ascendant – We are on the tight rope. But also people born with Sun in Cancer (born between July 9 – 17) or Sun in Capricorn born between January 8-14 – or have Moon in Cancer/Capricorn or Ascendant.

Have a quiet day releasing something from our ego to be able to be in a relationship…with ourselves and with others important to us...and if the weather permits the Moon should be beautiful rising from the coast today. In Sydney the Moonrises @5:52 PM / Moonset@6:47 AM

Blessings in this Artist’s Full Moon in Libra xx

♥️♥️♥️♥Save the date Sydney girls!!! On May 21 I am running a workshop about relationships and the breeze of Jupiter!!! from 9:30 am to 1:30pm @Awareness Institute- Sydney Interested? 💌Send me an email

For more information please check this link

© Cecilia Lugo-Anderson Join Over the Moon Moments women's Facebook close group if you would like to follow closer the astro-vibes

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Mercury Retrograde in April 2017

April 10 @ 9:15 am - MERCURY STATIONS RETROGRADE @ 4 degrees of Taurus 50 
👀 First we need to adjust our rhythm… slow down while Mercury revisits the early degrees of the sign of Taurus until April 21 @ 3:36 am when Mercury will Revisit Aries until May 4, 2017 when Mercury turns direct!!!). 

Mercury, the fastest planet in our Solar System that from Mythology took the title of the Messenger of the Goddess, and in astrology is the planet associated with thoughts and voice managing information… gets close to earth 3 – 4 times a year. In 2017 it is getting close 3 times for us to review our thoughts.

This time ½ of the Retrograde Period of Mercury is in Taurus♉️ and the other ½ is in Aries ♈as I have represented in the picture. (Retrograde is an astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where a planet appears to move backwards or rotate reverse relative to how the Earth is moving. Astrology explains the event as an opportunity to review and adjust according to the energy the planet generated).
During Mercury in Rx in Taurus we should:

  • Cultivate patience and
  • Don’t produce new ideas but instead
  • Bring peace to your mind
    • hosing it with positivity, relaxation andvcreativity connecting with nature, and with your senses that represents Taurus...
...It is like our mind is getting tune in with our feelings as Venus is in Pisces and Mercury is in Taurus – Venus’ Land.

✔️Today April 10 is day 1 of Mercury in Rx: time to get our notepad out to start writing down ideas or things that call our attention! Don’t waste time re-thinking or try to give meaning to something 
that is not yet unfolding… 
It reminds me when we open the 
jigsaw puzzle box and we start to
 make piles with pieces 
that match in colour, before 
we actually start to make it.
Here are some useful tips
 to deal with Mercury in Rx:

Have moments of Silence taking care of thoughts as much as you can to sketch ideas.
Meditate, swim or practice yoga or Thai chi… to go with the flow and get involved with your ideas to check up if they actually work.
Be attentive and check your work twice and if you delegate something then check it three times.
Organise your space, papers and account to make easier your days.
Wake up early to have extra time. BE FLEXIBLE with TIME!!!
Find humour in difficult moments and be kind to yourself and others if you find mistakes or you experience frustration…

REMEMBER TO: Review, Reflect, Revise, Reorganise, Resend, Respond and all the words that start with “R” that relates with communication and thoughts process.

✔️Calm your mind with some relaxing activity and start to see what the Moon will highlight with its projection of Sunlight… Full Moon tomorrow @ 22 degrees of Libra for us to reconcile with our other half… Libra is the sign of relationships – but relationships starts by getting along with ourselves… and then relate to others.

Have a great day and remember TODAY we organise our space making piles of things/little notes with post-its in our desk… to do later - to review!!!Don't forget to check my article about the Full Moon in Libra in 

♥️♥️♥️♥Save the date Sydney girls!!! On May 21 I am running a workshop about relationships and the breeze of Jupiter!!! from 9:30 am to 1:30pm @Awareness Institute- Sydney Interested? 💌Send me an email

For more information please check this link

Cheers Cecilia Lugo-Anderson