A Pinch and a Punch for the Magic of the First day of the Month!!! There is a double message from the the emotional Moon in Cancer:
In the morning of May 1st, 2017 The Moon in Cancer dancing with the Sun in Taurus and both harmoniously connecting with
the magic of imagination (Neptune) invites us to to be in touch with our intuition to
channel our creativity in whatever field we work or like to do.
Creative thinking - in terms of idea creativity - is not a mystical talent.
it is a skill that can be practiced and nurtured. Edward de Bono
In the evening of May 1st, 2017 we can act with more drama when the Moon in Cancer faces Pluto in Capricorn allowing us to see truth… people as they really are… and not the way we would like them to be.
" You can never control other people. You can only control yourself.
I have definitely learned that". Kimora Lee Simmons
It’s the sense of waking up on Disneyland and then going to bed watching Fatal Attraction…
It is a metaphor but we need to remember what the point of Moon and Pluto opposition is: That we balance our need to be needed so we don’t fall being possessive…
It is a metaphor but we need to remember what the point of Moon and Pluto opposition is: That we balance our need to be needed so we don’t fall being possessive…
May is a month to embody the transformation that comes with the change of the Nodes of the Moon for us to find our sense of a unique light. SAVE THE DATE May 10th when this happens under the union of Mercury and Uranus and the Sun in harmony with the planet of transformation -Pluto …
The intense full Moon of Scorpio will Fill us with transformative light on May 11, 2017 having the support of Pluto (the planet ruler of Scorpio) but before that
The intense full Moon of Scorpio will Fill us with transformative light on May 11, 2017 having the support of Pluto (the planet ruler of Scorpio) but before that
this week we have the
beautiful challenge of the Sun in Taurus
and the Moon in Leo this
Wednesday May 3 for us to take action.
I recommend to take the action on the next day May 4 when finally a gentle breath comes with Mercury turning direct next to Uranus to turn on our ideas!!!
Finding the balance between independence and discipline is possible with the natural fire support in our sky between Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries.
Venus and Mercury will be out of any shadow by May 18 and the dynamic Sun in Gemini will start to play from May 21, 2017 joining the Moon on May 26, 2017. This encounter is close to Earth offering us a precious time to improve our communication
for those that want to listen and avoid
explosive tendency due to repressing their feelings. !!!
for those that want to listen and avoid
explosive tendency due to repressing their feelings. !!!
May also asks us collectively to take
the next step and balance I & We!!!
A new way of thinking (Uranus)
Individually (Aries)
is facing across
an opportunity
that comes in our way (Jupiter ) through Art...
sharing ideas... in cooperation (Libra)
"Relatioships and the breeze of Jupiter in Libra" to improve our way to relate with others. We will cover different one-on-one type of relationships: How to be on a date; how to maintain current relationships with healthy negotiation and; relate to find cooperation from co-workers and friends!!!
For enrollment or more information send me an email to stelliumlight@gmail.com
Have a lovely Month of May!!! ☀🌙
© Cecilia Lugo- Anderson