Stellium Light

Sunday, 17 December 2017

New Moon in Sagittarius🌑♐ to create our visualisation planting our intentions for ways to grow

December 18th, 2017 at 5:30pm AEST we have the last New Moon of the year in the positive sign of Sagittarius, giving us the opportunity to set visionary goals. The Sun and the Moon fill us with hope to plan and write statements that relate to activities which offer us new experiences, expanding knowledge, find ideas and solutions that lead to positive results, develop optimism and self-esteem, be spontaneous trusting our intuition, planning our holidays and our travels for 2018.

The New Moon occurs at 26 deg of Sagittarius… just making contact with the Galactic Centre of our galaxy = the source of energy that feeds our Sun!!! I love the way Melanie Reinhart has told the story from the Mythology:  

“The mythic origin of our galaxy, the Milky Way, is portrayed in the story of Hercules, a son of Zeus. However, as his mother was Alcmene, a mortal woman, Hercules was much hated by Hera, the first wife of Zeus. It is said that Zeus put Hercules to Hera’s breast while she was asleep, so that by drinking her milk Hercules could be assured of immortality. Hera awoke to find a suckling baby, not her own, at her breast. Angered, she withdrew her nipple, and her milk streamed across the sky, forming the ‘Milky Way’. The word ‘galaxy’ comes from the same root as the word ‘milky’ [Gk. galaxias]” As you see this New Moon is very powerful.

The Luminaries (Sun & Moon at 26 deg Sagittarius) are hugged by Venus at 21 deg Sagittarius inviting us to feel free to ask what we really want and, on the other side Saturn at 29 deg Sagittarius ending its journey showing us the power of commitment to make what we want a reality. On Wednesday Saturn gets to its home Capricorn to pull up our sleeves and work hard to make things happen!

Uranus at 24 deg Aries is supporting this union between luminaries with spark out of the blue opportunities!!! We need to be attentive to our surroundings! And Jupiter, the ruler of this New Moon, is in Scorpio injecting good vibes to our inner power smiling at transformer Pluto to be able to light the core of our lives. 

As you know Mercury, the planet that represents our thinking and communication is still retrograde for one week more… inviting us to question and to find meaning in our lives; review and shape our ideas… For me it means that we can write our intentions under the New Moon – Dec 18, 2017 -and check them on Friday Dec 23, 2017 when it goes direct, adding more intentions that we may have missed…

Interestingly it is more common to have the New Moon at the beginning of each month and then have the full Moon later in the month but due to the Eclipse in August 2017, this has changed a little offering the Moon in Sagittarius so close to Christmas opening the road for next year resolutions… to fill us with joy, celebration and optimism to trust our talents looking for ways to grow…  Blessings on New Moon🌑♐ ©Cecilia StelliumLight 2017

Moon Calendar 2018 will be ready for January 2018 to secure yours sending an email to  

Thursday, 19 October 2017

New Moon in Libra - October 20, 2017 AEST - to start a New Beginnings in Relationships!!!

 Happy New Moon in Libra

"Ultimately, you just have one life. You never know unless you try. And you never get anywhere unless you ask".  Kate Winslet – The English actress Kate Winslet was born under the New Moon in Libra on October 5, 1975 UK.

Friday October 20, 2017, at 6:12 am, the Sun and Moon meet at 27 degrees from the harmonious sign of Libra, offering us the opportunity to plant our intentions and start a new Emotional cycle. Although the Sun is ending its transit through the sign of Libra by joining with the Moon to give us the New Moon of Libra today, we recharge energy to promote negotiation and cooperation in our relationships and balancing the way we relate with others.

The New Moon in Libra occurs in opposition of Uranus, the planet associated with the awakening of Human Consciousness, travelling the individualistic sign of Aries close to Earth (Retrograde)  reminding us that we should not only think of the other but also satisfy our personal needs. This opposition to 27 degrees Libra / Aries reminds me of the opposition we had in late September formed between Jupiter and Uranus ... It is incredible that the Universe send us a similar message that we have to balance the energy of the Aries sign: Independence and willpower and, Libra: cooperation to relate to the other person and achieve common goals.

Uranus is close to Earth (retrograde) and because Uranus is about awakening or out of the blue insight! And Jupiter is with Mercury in Scorpio, we can see deep inside of ourselves and then get an insight to create a radical change (Uranus) in the way we relate (New Moon) initiating  a more authentic way of telling the other what we feel by following
                                                                           our unique way of being.

The sign of Libra
is a sign categorized under the element of Air = Intellectual. 
By this I mean that it is important to connect or interact through dialogue. 
It's like sitting at the table with someone who has a face-to-face relationship with a contract 
and writing down the responsibilities and benefits
 in the clear to start something, 
whether personal or business. 
That is why Libra is the sign that 
is associated with relationships.

Venus is the ruling planet of this sign. Venus is in Libra! Her presence at her home where the Union of the Sun and Moon is taking place offers a beautiful energy that we can attract what we want and Venus is also forming a smooth harmony with Mercury in Scorpio (semi-sextile). For me we can go deeper with our thinking working with the Law of Attraction ... What a beautiful day we have today to create our visualization and plant our intentions to:

• Promote equity, cultivate the art of negotiation in our relationships searching not only for harmony but also to satisfy our own needs.
• Foster respect and tolerance in the pursuit of peace and happiness.
• Create beauty around us by providing harmony in our environment.

Blessings ©Cecilia Lugo-Anderson

Moon & Zodiac inspirations Group - Astrology

Have a lovely week!!!

© Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Live by the Sun & Love by the Moon 

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Full Moon in Aries illuminates Mars and Venus ’ Kiss to release what is not useful for us and craft our reality in relationships...

We are under the illumination of the Full Moon in the fiery sign of Aries inviting us to think of ourselves as individual beings. Its Full Light occurs at 5:40 am on October 6th, 2017 @ 13 degrees of the sign of Aires stimulating us to ask ourselves:

What do I really want for myself? Two weeks ago we planted our goals under the New Moon and now is the time for some of them. Always on a Full Moon we must release energy so that we can blossom our intentions… This time we need to release something related with the sign of Libra where the Sun is ... It's time to ask ourselves - How accommodating am I cutting off my OWN NEEDS to take action putting myself before anything or anyone to achieve what I really want?

It is time to balance the Aries-Libra Axis to feel good about ourselves in harmony with people we relate with. The Sign of Aries is ruled by Mars and the sign of Libra is ruled by Venus. MARS & VENUS finally kiss each other.  

Mars and Venus meet @ 19 deg Virgo -Oct 6 @ 3:23 am – just a couple of hours before the Full Moon.

MARS represents the physical action of going to get what we want, and VENUS represents the desire, the feeling towards what we want.  The union between the Zodiac Lovers in the sign of Virgo gives us the ability to be realistic and use our tools to improve in order to reach our goals. Here is the writer and educator Parker J. Palmer with his motivational phrase that I used in my 2017 Moon Calendar to connect with the Full Moon:
"Caring for oneself is never a selfish act; it is simply a good administration of the only gift I have, the gift that has been given me on earth to offer to others."

Pluto, the planet associated with transformation to overcome fear is challenging both luminaries (Sun and Moon) but supporting the eternal lovers (Mars and Venus). The friction generated by the  T-square in our sky formed by the luminaries in an angle of tension with Pluto invites us to make decisions to eliminate from our lives shadows or what is not useful in our lives .. Mars and Venus together and supported by Pluto invites us to use the logic carving our realities working with what it is useful to us.

Patience is the key to success with this new task that the Universe brings to us . Why?

The union of Mars and Venus is challenged by Saturn the planet associated with the consolidation of our objectives. Saturn in Sagittarius gives us the wisdom of fire from the embers to be able to see clearly how to channel our energies to be more efficient in our process to improve ourselves and our relationships.   Mercury in Libra reminds us how important communication is to negotiate our rights diplomatically without compromising the rights of those around us.

All this energy is just happening when Jupiter, the goddess of all goddesses from mythology, is ending its journey through this harmonious sign of Libra and it is opposing to Rebel-Uranus that is in Aries creating a strong tension for us to balance the energies of our relationship and our individuality… as the Sun and Moon are asking us the same during the October’s Full Moon  
We must keep positive in whatever we strive for at the moment keeping our confidence up to keep the fight for our cause! Blessings on Full Moon to everyone! Cecilia Live by the Sun and Love by the Moon ☀🌙 If you would like a personalised Astrology guidance please visit 

Instagram: stelliumlight_astrology
Twitter: @StelliumLight

Personalised Astrology Guide Join Moon & Zodiac inspirations Group
to follow the Moon 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ and planets vibes

Friday, 22 September 2017

Sun in Libra and Spring Equinox in Australia... Love and beauty everywhere!

In Australia the Spring starts formally with the change of the Sun to the harmonious sign of Libra.

Early this morning, September 23, 2017 at 6:03 am the Sun changed to the sign of Libra under the young Moon of Scorpio that is showing a beautiful smile in our sky indicating the importance of nourishing our emotions connecting us with our passions and creating strong bonds being honest with the beings that are important for us. The Sun in Libra marks the Equinox!!! The Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere of our planet. In Australia under the beautiful energy of Spring we must focus our attention to find the balance between the time that we dedicate ourselves and that we offer to our relationships … The Universe points us to the importance of working shoulder to shoulder to achieve a common end; be fair in our negotiations; relate equitably; to love our home by making aesthetic touches and to spread the love around us.

It is a moment of the year that emphasises the key words of this romantic and idealistic Libra sign: “I BALANCE”. Level up and harmonize! 
I take the opportunity to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL PEOPLE BORN UNDER THE SUN IN LIBRA. Please write your birthday if you were born between Sep 23 and Oct 23 to pamper you with a nice happy birthday!!!

Venus is the planet associated with beauty and love and is the ruler of the sign of Libra. VENUS has just started its journey through the sign of Virgo (I wrote about Venus in Virgo yesterday – check the post if you haven’t see it) pointing out the importance of creating daily routines to balance our health and our work.  
Venus is in Virgo from September 20 to October 14, 2017.

Have you noticed the beautiful Venus that is associated with beauty, love and finances is shining before dawn?

Venus in Virgo works as a craftswoman in love seeking to perfect your relationship!Venus will be seducing her beloved Mars until they unite on October 6, 2017 at 19 degrees Virgo.

What does the Universe tell us with this beautiful union?

For me it suggests that we need to work with our relationships practicing mutual support to improve them. But also that we should act more and speak less; as well as we need to be clear about what we want so we can channel directly our energy efficiently balancing our reality with our dreams. However, in this process we must avoid criticism which is one of the weaknesses of the sign of Virgo: to seek perfection.

If you are single…even though our standards are high with Venus and Mars together Mr. Right can arrive and might tick all the points of our check list. I was born with Venus in Virgo and Moon is Capricorn and my Alex arrived!!! I saw all his great potential hah hah…But it is true. Enjoy the next 3 weeks with Venus dancing with Mars.

Have a lovely Spring Season!!! 
Cecilia - Personalised Astrology Guide

Follow us on:
Instagram: stelliumlight_astrology
Twitter: @StelliumLight

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Astrology September 2017 - a month to sculpt our ideas and goals!!!

Welcome September!!! With the Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Virgo to work hard with our goals sculpting them!!! Mercury is still Retrograde but only for few days more… 

Mercury re-entered in Leo and it will go direct at same degrees of the Solar Eclipse! Remember what you were experiencing on the New Moon & Solar Eclipse – August 22, 2017. The Full Moon in Pisces will illuminate your intentions on September 6th just after Mercury goes direct on Tuesday night Sept 5th , 2017 to rescue an idea!!! or thought that has the potential to work but we need to add some colour from our heart as Venus is now in Leo to inspire our heart and be able to uplift our joy while Mars moves to Virgo where the Sun is for us to practice to make it perfect!!! 

Jupiter and Saturn will be smiling at each other the first 2 weeks of September 2017 for us to work with our beliefs giving the an eye of reality to make them happen. The New Moon @ 27 degrees of Virgo comes at the end of the sun’s journey by the harvest sign of Virgo. This New Moon is coming with good vibes as Mercury will be out of any shadow and with Venus starting its trip in Virgo!!!! For us to craft Love helping and to deal with the Jupiter – Uranus opposition that will ask us to be flexible in order to keep relationships happy

© Cecilia Lugo-Anderson - Moon Calendar 2017
The flowers will start to blossom with the entrance of the Sun in Libra that marks the Equinox of Spring on September 23rd and Pluto will go direct on September 29th to take the reins of our lives.
September energies remind me Bob Marley song: 

Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! 

My painting above is my inspiration when I was designing the Moon Calendar 2017 for September that brings spring to our lives in Australia!!!
Sydney Locals - Join me Cecilia Lugo-Anderson for for an 
Applied Astrology Workshop which doesn’t need previous astrology knowledge 
to learn about Jupiter in Libra and equality in relationships. 
Venus is the boss (natural ruler of Libra) & 
I will talk about Venus the goddess of love and
its energy through the zodiac. 
Venus represents: self-worth, 
self-love and desires. 
Venus is about to meet Mars in October for us to craft love. 

When? SEPT 9th, 2017
Time: from 3-6PM 
Where? Letting Go Academy- 327-329 Woodpark Road, Smithfield 2164; 

CALL GRACE 0421 004 322 to make your booking 
Cost $65 
Please send an email after you enrol with your birth details 
(time, date DD/MM/YY & Place of birth) 
for you to know your natal Venus and
 how to connect with its energy

To have a relationship requires adjustments and communication to succeed. We will cover tips to improve relationships! With Jupiter in Libra we have this fabulous opportunity.

If you would like a personalised Astrology guidance please visit 

Live by the Sun and Love by the Moon 
Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Instagram: stelliumlight_astrology
Twitter: @StelliumLight

Personalised Astrology Guide Join Moon & Zodiac inspirations Group
to follow the Moon 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ and planets vibes

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Leo to create happiness and paint our joy!!!

“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness…" 
(Albert Einstein, 1954).

The Sun is waiting for the Moon, for the eclipse to show early tomorrow at 4:30 am AEST.

  • The encounter between Sun and Moon happens in company of the North Node of the Moon (mathematical point in our Universe where the orb of the Moon meets the orb of our Earth- that is associated with new experiences to explore in this lifetime) and 
  • Mars, the planet of action - The shadow of the Moon is cast over our Earth indicating that change is coming with action for the next 6 months (the time of the eclipse determines the effect - and this one I have read will have around 3 minutes of darkness in USA… The effect can be around 3 years… ) and 
  • Uranus the planet associated with radical change is offering its support to the Luminaries... There is a flavour of unpredictable effect.  BUT Mercury is Retrograde indicating that even though we might want to take change immediately our action requires slow process of thinking and working with our ideas...

Therefore we should plant long term intentions under this powerful New Moon and then keep hosing them just like the gardener… But what must not wait is to paint every day our joy, feeling life is worthy to live including its challenges.

Due to the Solar Eclipse occurring at the last degree of Leo we will have a short time to plant our intentions under the Leo energy… from 4:30 - 6:25 am when the Moon in New Phase will change to the sign of Virgo. 

Usually we do it within 8 hours and you still could, but the energy will change to Virgo. Is it good or bad? It is only a different sign and everyone has the freedom to do it at their convenience, but I will do it while the Luminaries are together in Leo and I recommend you to do the same (so early to bed tonight, to rise early tomorrow) to grasp the energy of change to welcome happiness through a new hobby, romance, being more with children or playing with your inner child more and leading your own life and joy.

Leo relates to the heart - connecting to our heart...

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
 It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
 what is essential is invisible to the eye.” 
 Antoine de Saint - Exupéry, 
The little Prince 

We all should plant our intentions to have more joy 

 and do what our heart enjoy doing

  • Mercury Rx is in Virgo (the sign who offers a service) opposing Neptune (healer and compassionate planet).  It gives me the feeling that the joy you are planting for yourself should benefit others.  in a way, we all should spread our joy.

Today is beneficial to lower our expectations as the Moon will meet Mars around midday.  This emotional combination and within a day of the celestial event Solar Eclipse – can be a little bit too much emotional adrenaline… 

Remember to take it easy and if you feel frustration or anger let it to melt away through your back to avoid the confrontation …today or tomorrow is not healthy at all. Humour always helps pass a bitter taste… time for a chill pill

Buy your flowers to cheer up your mood – I chose Red Gerberas, (sometimes called gerber daisies) thinking of the passionate Mars in Leo and the fire of this New Moon in Leo full of joy. Gerbera daisies show vitality and liveliness in a shape of the Sun plus they remind me of my happy and lovely wedding!!! 

To get ready for tomorrow’s New Moon, buy your gold or yellow card board and colourful markers to plant your intentions and be open for the unpredictable surprises that the Universe will bring to us.

Want to know more about how this Eclipse will activate change for you? Click this link
purchase my service and then send an email to with your birth details to organise your emotional Moon analysis that will include the impact of the Solar Eclipse in Leo. 

Blessings © Cecilia Lugo-Anderson

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Lunar Eclipse August 7 –8, 2017 to work internally with our own light to be happier!

Picture painted by Cecilia Lugo-Anderson © 
August 7-8, 2017 we are under the energies of a powerful Lunar Eclipse @ 15 degrees of Aquarius – that activate the polarity Air – Aquarius / Fire – Leo that relates to how my individuality can contribute to the society! How to balance the Universal laws with my personal desires. 

"Happiness is the art of releasing unpleasant memories giving a good use of our mind to create our own joy doing what we like to do” !!! That is the way I see happiness.

Chart by Cecilia Lugo-Anderson © 2017
August 2017 is offering us an opportunity to close a chapter in our lives to initiate a new way of being creators of our own Joy.

Aug 8, 2017 at 4:10 am AEDT a powerful Full Moon Eclipse visible in Australia invites us to make conscious the use of our mind to create change breaking our ways of thinking. The Moon is eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth…. Uplifting energy telling us something must end… unpleasant memories? Toxic friends… objectives not met…

But to do our work we need to believe in ourselves and facing the fears we might have to show everyone both sides of ourselves.

The warrior Mars is with the Sun sending us courage to set boundaries  and with the Moon in Aquarius we need to think what are the things that make us happy to start doing it. The Awakener Uranus, the ruler of the eclipse as it is the boss of Aquarius (where the Eclipsed Moon is) just turned retrograde (is close to earth) last week for us to Re-connect with a missing part… something that is not letting us to move forward… Make some time on August 8 and write down what activities and things will help you to be happier!!!
Questions to ask ourselves:

  • How my own light can contribute to our society or group that share same interest?
  • How much of my own light is taken to be accepted as a part of a group? Finding the balance is the key
Remember that Mercury is getting slow for us to digest all the changes
that we need to improve working with our ideas. 

Happiness and Mindfulness can be achieved by journaling your thoughts. I have created a WORKBOOK to work with your insights "Journaling Ideas" 📓Mini-diary with Mercury Retrograde during Aug 13 - Sept 5 + Eclipses and post Rx period (ends Sept 20).

Cost $25 printed and sent to your address (Australia only) with your birth chart snapshot highlighting the areas for you to work with 
these energies 💖
Visit my website, click this link

Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Live by the Sun and Love by the Moon
Stellium Light - Astrology

Join Moon & Zodiac inspirations Group - Astrology (Facebook) to tune in with the planetary energies. Here is the link 

Monday, 31 July 2017

Astrology - August Vibes 2017 - a month that will bring us change...

© Cecilia Lugo-Anderson's painting that visualises my thoughts
Welcome August 2017 – strap yourself in, it is going to be a wild ride.  August brings 2 eclipses indicting it is time to change.

  •         The first is a Lunar eclipse in Aquarius for us to close a period… Uranus the planet ruler of Aquarius in modern Astrology goes retrograde this week inviting us to awaken and see where we are stuck in to be able to move on…
  •         The second eclipse is a Solar Eclipse with Sun, Moon and Mars involved in the eclipse in Leo. For us to start a new path bringing our unique light to our society
In between Eclipses Mercury gets close to Earth - turns Retrograde in Virgo for us to digest, crafting our ideas and thoughts.

Interestingly August is a month with lack of Air…  Being weak in Air element you may have trouble with objectivity and perspective….  and Mars in Leo will be involved in both eclipses… We need to work with anger, frustration and take some time every day to think – walk home or ride a bike to encourage the process of thinking…

Look at the areas where you have Leo or Aquarius in your birth chart to know where to focus the energyPlus where Mercury in Virgo will be travelling Retrograde for you to craft your Ideas.

I have created a workbook to work with your insights Journaling Ideas 📓Mini-diary with Mercury Retrograde (from August 13 – Sept 5th but I have also included the integration period (post shadow until September 20, 2017) Eclipses in August 2017.

It includes your birth chart snapshot highlighting the areas for you to work with 💖. Send me your birth details and I will organise it all! Only $25 dollars to purchase including delivery within Australia only. To purchase it please click this link

 It also includes:

• Pre Retrograde period with all the tips to prepare! 
• The Lunar Eclipse analysis and energies plus a Colour in mandala to tune in with the energies.
• Mercury in Retrograde day by day to record your thoughts with quotes and insights.
• Solar Eclipse analysis and tips to take advantage of this Super New Moon
• Post Retrograde day by day to integrate the energy
• Astrology information about Mercury in Retrograde & Eclipses (Lunar and Solar!)
• Your birth chart snapshot with areas highlighted for you to focus the energy where the eclipses are falling in your chart and Mercury 

Retrograde travelling slowly for you to review, revise and rethink.

Do you want to connect with the Energy of Jupiter in Libra? Jupiter, the natural ruler of Sagittarius is direct in Libra to expand our relationships‼️get my special E-book about Relationships & Jupiter in Libra or booklet if you prefer printed and sent to your address within Australia only. 

👀Look at the beautiful feedback I got last night from a customer who bought my E-Book recently "Relationships and the breeze from Jupiter in Libra":
Hi Cecilia,

Loved your Ebook and as usual your words marry up with the way I feel, hearing it from you validates what I need to do. You explain things in terms where everyone can understand and your la la land interpretation was great. AJ‼️ 
To get your copy please click this link:

Blessings © Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Live by the Sun ☀ and Love by the Moon 🌙
Stellium Light - Astrology

Join Moon & Zodiac inspirations Group - Astrology (Facebook) to tune in with the planetary energies. Here is the link
or follow us on

Sunday, 23 July 2017

New Moon in Leo in company with Mars to paint our Joy, Play and boost Creativity and Romance

New Moon in Leo 🌑♌- July 23 2017 at 7:48 pm AEDT. Sun ☀️and Moon 🌙join @ 1 degree of LEO in company with Mars🔥. A New Moon coloured with stamina & passion.

“Soft words turn away wrath, as harsh words excite wrath even in a gentle spirit: forgiveness will melt the most arrogant heart, as punishment will harden even the humblest…” Robert Graves - British writer, novelist, poet and critic, essayist and translator… What man of words! Born with Sun in Leo and the Moon in company of Mars in Leo - July 24, 1895 England.

This New Moon highlights our will to live!!! Follow our heart to create, to love, to do whatever we do!!! Committed - Venus who is the love of Mars and its reason to fight for, is forming an opposition with responsible Saturn, indicating the importance of expressing our true feelings to know who we really can count with and with whom we do not.

Our mind (Mercury in Leo too ) can show us the path we need to walk in order to grow as Mercury is with the North Node of the Moon - the mathematical point where the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and the orbit of the Moon around the Earth cross. It is the energy associated with the learning for this time of evolution.

WE WILL HAVE 2 NEW MOONS IN LEO🌑 ♌🌑 The second one is a Solar Eclipse @ 29 degrees of Leo. 

I am proud to announce that I have created a Workbook 📗 – JOURNALING IDEAS during this upcoming period of Eclipses and 

Mercury in Retrograde!! Just 15 dollars sent by email. OR Printed $22 and sent by post (Australia only). To purchase your copy  click this link

There are 70 pages to work with your ideas and thoughts from the end of July to end of September: 

• Pre Retrograde period with all the tips to prepare! 
• The Lunar Eclipse analysis and energies plus a Colour in mandala to tune in with the energies. 
• Mercury in Retrograde day by day to record your thoughts with quotes and insights. 

• Solar Eclipse analysis and tips to take advantage of this Super New Moon
• Post Retrograde day by day to integrate the energy 
• Astrology information about Mercury in Retrograde & Eclipses (Lunar and Solar!) 
• Your birth chart snapshot with areas highlighted for you to focus the energy where the eclipses are falling in your chart and Mercury Retrograde travelling slowly for you to review, revise and rethink.

Jupiter, the natural ruler of Sagittarius is direct in Libra to expand our relationships‼️get my special 
E-book about Relationships & Jupiter in Libra  or booklet if you prefer printed and sent to your address within Australia only. 

To purchase your copy please click this link
👀Look at the beautiful feedback I got last night from a customer who bought my E-Book recently "Relationships and the breeze from Jupiter in Libra":

Hi Cecilia,
Loved your Ebook and as usual your words marry up with the way I feel, hearing it from you validates what I need to do.
You explain things in terms where everyone can understand and your la la land interpretation waS great. AJ‼️ 

Have a lovely week©Cecilia Lugo-Anderson
Live by the Sun ☀ and Love by the Moon 🌙
Moon & Zodiac inspirations Group - Astrologyto tune in with the planetary energies.